dutch trains wind power snopes

And no facts will ever get in the way of a true believer . The real electricity they use is of course no more or less green than other companies on the same grid use. Grid power in fact reflects the overall generation mix, which in the case of the Netherlands is dominantly gas and coal with only a small contribution from wind. [1] In 2019, the wind turbines provided the country with 12% of its electricity demand during the year, a figure that is growing but somewhat below the average of 15% that wind power provides across the whole of the EU's electricity consumption. Often only 100% renewable utilities are allowed to participate in the auctions. Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Ad Meskens. Yeap. "Exploiting wind power in Holland." BTW, I have never felt deprived by having 60 Hz instead of 50Hz. Everyone drawing energy from the grid is equal, on a physical basis. In 2016, Dutch wind hit the headlines again, when a 700 MW offshore windfarm near the town of Borssele became the most cost-effective in the world. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. If it was based on the former there would a strong possibility that these companies could be oversubscribed with customers who may not receive true renewable energy when the wind does not blow. The Netherlands, aka Windmill Country, is now operating 100 percent of its electric trains with wind energy. As shown in the table below installed capacity is dominantly fossil fuel, with natural gas making up 61% of total installed capacity and coal 15%. Its standard accounting practice. Illustration Web. [37] Other large wind farms are located in Delfzijl-zuid (43 MW),[30] Lelystad (46 MW), Terneuzen, (Koegorspolder, 44 MW), and Biddinghuizen (WP Kubbeweg, 34 MW). [5] The first of these, the 429 MW Noordoostpolder wind farm was already partially deployed by year end 2015 whilst the 600 MW Gemini offshore wind farm was commissioned in 2017. Yeah, that'show energy works. According to DutchNews.nl, there's currently a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country. Putting these numbers together indicates that only 10-15% of the electricity consumed annually by NSs electric trains will come from wind, with the rest a mixture that includes mostly Dutch gas and coal plus a small amount of Belgian and German coal, nuclear and lignite and maybe even a little German solar, Andrews explains. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind.. I am surrounded by almost 3000 MWs of hydro power in my county alone, but because of these guarantees of origin my supposed consumption is very dirty, consisting mostly of a central European mix of coal, natural gas, nuclear with some renewables added. In addition, the use of conductor rails sets a speed limit on trains of about 160kph (100mph) above this, the metal contact blocks (called pickup shoes) can lose contact with the rail and result in a drop in power. Even the two Dutch wind farms with which NS contracts directly for wind power, Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen, are tied generally to the Dutch grid and not tied directly into the NS rail system. The 600,000 Dutch that travel daily by train will now do so thanks purely to wind energy, with the national rail operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) announcing that 100 percent of its. This type of fuel is considered to be climate-neutral, as it does not cause CO2 emissions. [61] A further 228 MW of installed capacity will be added when completed. An extra live rail that has direct current flowing through it at all times. I read about them and saw a documentary film about them. <, 4C Offshore, Key project dates for Gemini, Princess Amalia (Netherlands) offshore wind farm, List of offshore wind farms in the North Sea, "Wind energy in Europe in 2019 - Trends and statistics", http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/1021714.stm, "Dutch government supercharges offshore wind target", "Windvermogen in Nederland, 1990-2019 | Compendium voor de Leefomgeving", "Windenergie maakt forse inhaalslag in 2020", "IEA Wind Annual Report for 2015 (Netherlands)", "The Windpower, Netherlands, Manufacturers", "New Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap | RVO.nl", "Windenergie op land; productie en capaciteit per provincie Windenergy on land; production and capacity per province", "Windenergie; elektriciteitsproductie, capaciteit en windaanbod per maand (Windenergy; electricity production, capacity and wind per month)", "Werken aan een nieuwe toekomst met windenergie", "Windpark De Drentse Monden en Oostermoer - Home", "Eneco en Vattenfall openen Windpark Slufterdam 2.0 met dubbel zoveel vermogen", "Windpark Deil Duurzame voorsprong in Deil", "Innovation site Borssele Wind Farm Site V fully commissioned | Van Oord/", "Gemini Offshore Wind Farm - Fully Commissioned - Netherlands | 4C Offshore", "Vattenfall Hollandse Kust - Windpark op de Noordzee", "BASF to pay 1.6Bn for green power from offshore windfarm", "Netherlands' Friesland province to invest in 320-MW wind park", "Largest Freshwater Offshore Wind Farm At Full Tilt", "Fryslan Wind Farm, a near-shore wind project in Netherlands", "Feiten, cijfers en planning Westermeerwind", "Planning en voorgenomen tenderschema windenergie op zee - Publicatie - Rijksoverheid.nl", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wind_power_in_the_Netherlands&oldid=1133669799. You are not really concerned about the energy bills of the poor. How it then gets used depends on the city were in. What happens where there is insufficient wind for the required duration to powerup the batteries? However, it seems officials have been able to beat that goal by an entire year. NS is the main public train in the Netherlands. This has already led to a savings of 1.43 billions kilograms of C02 emissions. Electricity is electricity, electron charge transfer. Pingback: Antidotes were hard to find this week as one cheering message after another was debunked only Positive News was buoyant | C 3000: antidote to gloom, Pingback: International Energy Agency Electricity Production Statistics for OECD Countries 2014 2016 | Blogging about energy and transitioning to clean energy, Click image to download live UK grid data, Per Capita Energy Consumption North America, Per Capita Energy Consumption South America, Per Capita Energy Consumption Former Soviet Union, Per Capita Energy Consumption Middle East, Per Capita Energy Consumption Asia Pacific, Refinery Output and Product Demand North America, Refinery Output and Product Demand Europe, Refinery Output and Product Demand Middle East, Refinery Output and Product Demand Asia Pacific, newly built wind farms in . When you dont know reality and cant speak German you have to believe what you find on the English writing interwebs . The 113,3 Twh exported far exceeds the actual exports of course, but were good business for the power companies selling their power twice. The Netherland's national railway company, NS, has announced that all of its electric passenger trains are now 100 percent powered by wind energy. Once stored, this electricity can be sold to the main power grid, helping the city to top up peak demand, and earning the train company money in the process. (End of excerpt). Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind.. I think the trains in the Netherlands use 1.5kVDC anyway bet there are no wind turbines producing that directly. "Since 1 January, 100% of our trains are running on wind energy," said NS spokesman,. It's a bit of smoke and mirrors but it helps to subside more expensive forms of generation. Dutch Electric Trains Become 100% Powered By Wind Energy Technology Dutch Electric Trains Become 100% Powered By Wind Energy By Garrett Parker Posted on January 20, 2017 Updated on April 8, 2020 The Netherlands are called the Netherlands because so much of its landscape lies below sea level. That is why half of the demand will be sourced from a number of new wind farms in Belgium and Scandinavia, which have been specifically assigned for this contract., http://www.railway-technology.com/features/featuremichel-kerkhof-of-eneco-discusses-the-dutch-rail-networks-renewable-revolution-4647194/. I would take it, then, that you are not among the poor and elderly who DO give a fig about money? Knew this was BS from the headline. A two-megawatt windmill contains 260 tonnes of steel requiring 170 tonnes of coking coal and 300 tonnes of iron ore, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons. So, 1) I didnt write the text, 2) the text itself is selectively quoted, and 3) the argument it makes, taken in isolation, is meaningless. Either figure comfortably exceeds the amount of electricity NS uses to power its electric trains, which is variously quoted as either 1.2 or 1.4TWh/year. Belgium and Finland, wind farm portfolio guarantees sufficient capacity to cover such eventualities, http://www.sciencealert.com/all-electric-trains-in-the-netherlands-are-now-100-powered-by-wind-energy, http://www.djtelectricaltraining.co.uk/downloads/50Hz-Frequency.pdf, http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-e1-and-vs-t1/, https://askjaenergy.com/2015/03/23/does-apple-not-want-truly-green-data-centers/. Fossil fuel-fired power plants produced over 80% of the electricity in the Netherlands, mainly natural gas (42%) and coal (35%). Only 18,9 Twh were bought in Norway, the rest sold abroad. Eneco has made a point . The construction of these wind farms along with others in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Finland helped NS and Eneco to hit their target so far ahead of schedule. Hinkley C will have a footprint of 165 acres when operational and an equivalent footprint for onshore windturbines would be from 160,000 to 490,000 acres (dependent on power of turbines available) to produce the same power output over a year. Eneco has agreed to supply 1.4 terawatt hours (TWh) of wind-sourced power by 2018, which is roughly the same amount of energy consumed by all the households in Amsterdam, the capital city. Rail networks source this electricity from the grid, and just like for our homes, its transmitted to them via high-voltage lines. More than 12% of the Netherland's electricity is generated from renewable sources, mainly biomass and waste (5% of the total) and wind (7% of the total). If the train line is a busy one, with small gaps between scheduled trains, the electricity produced by one helps to power the very next one that comes along. Once its in the network, there are three main options for getting the electricity to the trains themselves: Youve probably noticed at least one of these options on your rail journeys. Works for me, and they were cheaper than EON too. The two Dutch wind farms that have contracted to sell power to NS (Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen) are both connected directly to the Dutch grid, along with all the other power plants in the country, and NS draws its power from the grid: Figure 3: The Netherlands' electricity grid. 150, 200, 225, 300, 500, 750, 850 and 1300kW. The Dutch Railways Company NS is the world's first railway company that gets 100% of its energy from wind energy. Impressively, this means their initial goal was met one whole year ahead of schedule. Julian Turner gets the inside track on the unique collaboration from Michel Kerkhof, account manager at Eneco. So while wind contributes about 7% to the Netherlands electricity generation it contributes about 11% to the countrys electricity consumption. NS claims 100% wind power because it has a contract with various wind farms to produce enough energy to power its rail system, but this is just an accounting transaction. What Is (And Isn't) Scientific About The Multiverse. And how does NS justify this lesser claim? So that is coal fired power not going into the Netherlands grid. Built 1992 this nearshore wind farm had just 4 Nedwind 500 KW turbines based 1km to shore. I struggled to find reliable figures to back that up, so I didnt want to repeat the claim here. Dutch trains now run on green, renewable energy (Image courtesy of Groenetrain/NS/Eneco). There are very little poor people in Germany. This text is selectively excerpted from a chapter written by David Hughes in Carbon Shift (2009), a book I co-edited. Dutch electric trains are running on 1.2 billion kilowatt-hours of wind energy supplied by sustainable energy supplier, Eneco. However, this quotation, which comes from an essay written by earth scientist David Hughes, was cherry-picked and presented out of context to create a deliberately misleading version of what the author actually said. The company said all electric trains were now powered by wind energy. According to Statistics Netherlands, gross electricity generation was approximately 110 billion kilowatthours (BkWh) in 2015. * Just an FYI, this official infographic shows that the scheme saves 1.4 billion kWh of electricity, which they say is the same as whats used by ALL of Amsterdams residents. The first two are feel good justifications that have no practical impact. How much wind? As of Jan. 1, 600,000 daily train passengers have been traveling completely carbon neutral, according to an announcement from the Netherlands principal passenger railway operator, NS. To aver otherwise displays ignorance or deception. wind power in the Netherlands generates 7.4 billion kWh (7.4TWh) of electricity annually, and according to BP the Netherlands total electricity generation in 2015 was 109.6TWh. The Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to DutchNews.nl. Do the Netherlands trains really run on http://elering.ee/cross-border-physical-flows/, http://ast.lv/eng/power_system/current_situation_in_power_system/state_of_power_system/, http://www.litgrid.eu/index.php/sistemos-duomenys/79, Antidotes were hard to find this week as one cheering message after another was debunked only Positive News was buoyant | C 3000: antidote to gloom, International Energy Agency Electricity Production Statistics for OECD Countries 2014 2016 | Blogging about energy and transitioning to clean energy, Drone Strike on Saudi Arabia Knocks out 5% of Global Oil Supplies, Grazing, desertification and climate change. There is, however, a problem. Thatd give us a consumption figure for the city of around 1.5 billion kWh. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind. This year the country is due to start operating a 600-megawatt offshore wind farm, called Gemini. [61], In 2008, a second, somewhat larger offshore wind farm was built: the Princess Amalia Wind Farm, consisting of 60 Vestas V80 2MW turbines totaling 120 MW, sufficient to power 125,000 homes and help the Netherlands cut 225,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. The farm was dismantled after 22 years service in 2016. That would meet approximately 75% of the countries electricity needs. Other peoples Money doesnt matter to you.. wrong! it MATTERS to those like heavyweather all savvy investors who have installed PV on their rooftops, PV which funnels 29 cEuro/kWh (on average) for each useless and counter-productive kWh which they dump on the network sums charged on the electricity bill of all the OTHER germans, of course! The Dutch government is looking to ramp up the nations share of renewable energy from 4 percent in 2014 to 16 percent in 2023. It is a pity that they are allowing so many onshore/offshore wind turbines to blight our green and pleasant land and sea. Established 1983. According to LJ Electrical only 2,231km of NSs total 3,223km of track is electrified): Figure 2: The Netherlands railway network. Really funny, as it cuts it both ways when you dont know reality and cant speak French you have to believe what you find on the English writing interwebs or the greenpiss propaganda leaflets. Because Eneco, which contracts to supply NS with wind power, gets a Guarantee of Origin from the exporter under which the exporter confirms that the power came from wind and assigns the rights to it to NS. EV Use Is Growing, But Where Are The Chargers. Conductor rails carry lower voltages than overhead wires, although low is a relative concept. However, the government wants 40% of the total electricity used in 2030 in the Netherlands to be supplied by wind. Heating with electricity is their homemade problem that escalates bills for the poor with no alternative. Wind farmsboth onshore and offshoreare regarded as a key component in renewable energy policy and an important tool in mitigating the risks of climate change. The Eneco Luchterduinen wind farm was officially opened in September 2015 and is a 50/50 joint venture between Dutch energy company Eneco and Japan's Mitsubishi corporation. If thats the case, it marks a major turning point in the story of renewables. In an anything goes era of news and social media, its not often that a post jumps off the page. Heres a fantasy as to how Nederlandse Spoorwegen could make their claims of only using wind power a reality. UK Government to Announce New Energy Policies, Waking into our new volatile age of oil prices. Blunt, Elizabeth. As of October2022[update], wind power in the Netherlands has an installed capacity of 8,304 MW, 29.6% of which is based offshore. NO. Wind turbines feed electricity into the grid and the electric company credits them for the electricity. I believe in low carbon power, just that I also believe in security of supply, and with wind, or solar or tidal, you cant get it. PV in Germany, and Energiewende in general, will go down in history as a useless waste of money, a financial disaster which will be used for decades to come as a bad example of ideology-driven energy policy. When the train doesn't run, NS schedules buses instead. There are ~40 utilities with sharp price competition in NL. A two-megawatt windmill contains 260 tonnes of steel requiring 170 tonnes of. Produced at least 8 models with power outputs of 100, 250, 500, 1000kW. And meanwhile the Netherlands electrified railways continue to be powered dominantly by fossil fuel electricity. A NS train. The Dutch government is looking to ramp up the nation's share of renewable energy from 4 percent in 2014 to 16 percent in 2023. In this video, NS CEO Roger van Boxtel is humorously strapped to a windmill blade as he touts his companys latest renewable energy achievement. Homer-Dixon did not write this viral quote, but he did comment on it in a May 2018 blog post entitled: "No . quite an amount of work youve done there, It doesnt add up ! The problem with the high costs for heating in France is the really poor quality of the dwellings, their poor insulating and cheap quality whatever means of heating one uses its literally money thrown away. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. (Data from ENTSO-E ): No details on the current generation mix are readily available, but as shown in Figure 1 gas and coal supplied around 80% of the Netherlands electricity between 2000 and 2013 and its likely that this percentage still applies. Thank you for explaining it to everyone else. Wind power from Finland can be discounted. Produced at least 19 models at 250, 750, 1500, 2000, 2300, 2500, 2600, 3000, 3600, 3800, 4000 and 4500kW. It doesnt add up, I would say about Euro 47 million is big money especially when you consider it`s for nothing.. The European high voltage grid connects Finland with Sweden but doesnt go through the Baltic States. Offsets. (Figure 2: Note the dotted lines showing non-electrified track. Windmills have historically played a major part in the Netherlands by providing an alternative to water driven mills. [20] A few of the larger wind farms are listed here. And given that the company carries 600,000 people per day, the amount of electricity they need isnt trivial around 1.2 billion kWh of electricity a year. The story of Apple data centre in Denmark: Some of the nations that supply power to NS such as Germany, Belgium, and Finland, do generate wind power, but only in modest amounts. One such example is the largest wind farm in Holland, Noordoostpolder, which is installing industrial scale wind turbines such as the new Enercon onshore wind turbines, at the time the largest onshore turbines in the world rated at 7500kW nameplate capacity. Can Renewable Portfolio Standards make RE Work? Homer-Dixon, Thomas. Several commercial parties have now caught onto the PR value of claiming they are not getting government subsidies for their investment in renewable energy. Apart from the first rather obvious problems, anyone with the most basic understanding of electrical enrgy, as taught before 16 at school, would immediately know this was a wholly untrue technical assertion. Obvious to the meanest intelligence. Because theyre just one part of a wider grid, most train operators use electricity from a mix of different sources coal-fired generators, nuclear plants, hydropower or, in the case of Nederlandse Spoorwegen, exclusively from wind turbines. But you can arrange for a proxy burn of biogas in another state, say Colorado, and buy the rights to say you consumed it. Burlingtons biggest source of electricity is hydropower imported from across the region. New wind farm deployment is based on the SER agreement that describes a plan for five years of tendering 700 MW per year. The Dutch government has set a target of 6,000 MW nameplate capacity of onshore wind power by 2020 (not met, as per the data above) and 4,450 MW of offshore wind power by 2023. The GoOs trade at a premium and help to subsidise the production. http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-e1-and-vs-t1/. With this, offshore wind energy makes an important contribution to achieving the increased climate target of 55% less CO2-emissions. However the electricity is delivered to the train, once its there, it is used to power lights, and air-conditioning, as well as the traction motors, which are what turn the trains wheels. Willem, forgive the pedantry, but its the second time you said it. Temporarily, they might even have a surplus to sell. What is clear is that most of those electrons didnt originate from wind turbines. There are very little poor people in Germany. The 600,000 daily. No direct subsidies from the government are related to this contract.. http://elering.ee/cross-border-physical-flows/ The new Zuidwester site at the wind farm will have just 12 turbines and a total nameplate capacity of 90 MW. Berlin Neighborhood to Experiment With Eliminating Parking Spaces, High PFAS Levels in Norwegian Arctic Ice Pose New Risk to Wildlife, Report: London Ultra Low Emissions Zone Succeeded in Curbing Harmful Air Pollution, Studies Find Louisiana Government Helped Create Cancer Alley, Prestigious Engineering Prize Awarded to Pioneering Solar Team, Leaked Video Shows Sediment Release in Deep-Sea Mining Test, After Record-Breaking 2022, China Told to Brace for Another Year of Weather Extremes, Seed Saving 101: Everything You Need to Know. So, as you can see, your silly view of the frrrench domestic heating habits are wrong, probably based on indoctrination from greenpiss or the like. People making this claim are simply propagandists. Wind farm output goes up again ? And only half of the wind power NS has contracted for comes from the Netherlands. 22 May 2018. Therefore, entities enter into power purchase agreements, PPAs, with various other entities that produce, or resell energy, such as electric utilities. Produced at least 3 models of outputs 100, 200, 250kW. On-board energy storage systems, such as batteries; An overhead wire that the train connects to; or. Reply to Rod above went to the wrong place and left off the smiley after Albania. Fossil fuel-fired power plants produced over 80% of the electricity in the Netherlands, mainly natural gas (42%) and coal (35%). In 2017, our trains in the Netherlands became the first in the world to run for 100% on wind energy, giving travellers the option of travelling without CO2 emissions. The Harried Dutch commuters who are travelling on one of the most environmentally friendly rail networks in the whole of Europe, if not the world are being sold a bill of goods. Hughes didn't make that statement of all windmills, and he allowed that some could recoup their construction costs in three years or less. Still don't like the disingenious advertisement thought. 2015 was a record year for new installations in the Netherlands with 586 MW added of which 180 MW were offshore. There are very little poor people in Germany., http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/high-costs-and-errors-of-german-transition-to-renewable-energy-a-920288.html, The Spiegel FUD wont cut it. Electric trains also use regenerative braking, similar to whats found in hybrid and electric cars. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. The truth is that its impossible to determine the source of electrons actually moving NS trains down the track. It seems small compared with our renewables subsidies in the UK, which are of the order fo 150-450 times as big per MWh. This article was amended on 11 January 2017. 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dutch trains wind power snopes

dutch trains wind power snopes