rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

Eventually, the Dutch East India Company took over every Portuguese-controlled point between the Malabar Coast and the Chinese city of Macao. Nevertheless, she followed the religious policies of her father and brother. Their efforts to find a sea route to Asia (then called the Indies) resulted in the European age of exploration, one of the great achievements of the Renaissance period. This policy continued for more than twenty years. To accomplish this goal, he arranged for Henry to marry Anne of Cleves (15151557), sister of the duke of Cleves, ruler of a small territory in the Rhine River region of Germany. He was married to the English princess Philippa of Lancaster. Egypt, one of the most powerful and stylish civilizations in the world's history joins the fray in Rise of Kingdoms: THE EGYPTIANSPowerful, intelligent, strategic, and undoubtedly sophisticated, well known for their amazing craftsmanship ranging from the great pyramids and statues to innovative weapons and . Vasco Nuez de Balboa (14751519) traveled across the Isthmus of Panama, and Juan Ponce de Len (14601521) searched for the mythical Fountain of Youth in Florida. The siege has often been called the "German Fury" because the majority of the marauding soldiers were German Lutherans. This marriage did not allow England to be free of the war, though, since many English people believed it was necessary to aid Protestants on the European continent. Answers. Frederick was married to James's daughter Elizabeth. He was the son of Mary, queen of Scots, and Henry Stewart (15451567), who was the grandson of Henry VII. Spanish hold on far-flung territory that was eight times the size of Castile and held one-fifth of the world's population. To take on his duties as emperor Charles had to move to Aachen, Germany. Two years later, Philip issued a royal proclamation condemning William of Orange as an outlaw and the main source of unrest in the Netherlands. Charles received funding for both the trip and the bribe. Court masques (plays in which actors wear masks), some of them written by the dramatist Ben Jonson (15721637), were based on classical myths. Edward began to lose support, even in the house of York. From 1609 until 1614, between 300,000 and 350,000 Moriscos were forced to leave Spain. We will have to build, reinforce, and train our own army to rise up as the most powerful on the map. Increasingly, a nation's power and prestige had become dependent upon money and material wealth, and the best way to become a world power was to build a trade empire. Genoa fell to his naval forces, led by admiral Andrea Doria (14661560). 1,200-year-old bones found in Aachen Cathedral in Germany believed to belong to Charlemagne, King of the Franks. Not only did he refuse to follow Elizabeth's orders, but he also signed an unauthorized truce with the rebels. and defeating England in the Hundred Years' War. The election day became the starting date permanently with Sigismund. The Spaniards took 127 Ottoman ships and thousands of soldiers and seamen. Two rival houses (royal families), York and Lancaster, each claimed to have the right to the throne. He was put on trial and sentenced to death. The war between Spain and France continued until 1559, when Italy was placed under Habsburg rule by the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrsis. In 1266 King Charles I of France (Charles of Anjou; 12271285; ruled 126685), the youngest brother of King Louis IX, took the thrones of Naples and Sicily (called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies). Ferdinand and Isabella ascended to the throne as the Catholic Monarchs of Spain in 1474. After the Portuguese defeated the Spanish in a war over the throne in 1385, John established a political alliance with England under the Treaty of Windsor (1386) that has endured to the present day. . The policy of the French monarchy was to suppress Protestantism at home while supporting it abroad as a counterbalance to Habsburg power. When King Philip III died in 1621, the decline of Spain was becoming more evident. In 1639 a French army invaded Catalonia, and in 1641 the Catalonians declared their independence from Spain and gave their allegiance to King Louis XIII of France. Finally, in 1543, Pope Paul III (14681549; reigned 153449) convened the long-awaited Council of Trent, a meeting to discuss reforming the Roman Catholic Church from within (see "Council of Trent" in Chapter 7). Barbarossa fled to Algiers (now Algeria), in North Africa, with the remnant of his fleet. William responded with a document that accused Philip of incest (having sexual relations with family members), adultery (having sexual relations outside marriage), and the murders of both Carlos and Elizabeth of Valois. Thus, on March 17, 1558, the last Tudor monarch of England ascended the throne. In 1233 Pope Gregory IX (c. 11701241; reigned 122741) established the Inquisition (now known as the medieval Inquisition; see "Inquisition" in Chapter 1). Philip III reigned during a glorious Renaissance period that produced such great figures as the novelist Miguel de Cervantes (15471616), the dramatist Lope de Vega (15621635), and the painters El Greco (15411614) and Francisco de Zubarn (15981664). Shortly after the death of Henry V, Charles VII (14031461; ruled 142261), who was Charles VI's son, slowly began to regain French territories from the English. But there's a lot more work than simply choosing the best nation - and . In a papal bull, or decree, Alexander drew a line from north to south one hundred leagues (approximately 240 miles, or 386 kilometers) west of the Azores Islands. In a dozen voyages from 1603 until 1633, Champlain discovered the easternmost Great Lakes, Huron and Ontario; founded the city of Quebec; and served as commandant of France's new colonial territories, which were called New France. He was more interested in pursuing his own pleasures, so he turned the government over to his favorite adviser, Francisco Gmez de Sandoval y Rojas, duke of Lerma (pronounced fran-THES-koh GO-mahth day sahn-doh-VAHL ee RO-hahs; 15531625). This conflict led to overwhelming Spanish victories at Barletta, Cerignola, and Garigliano. Even more ruthless than Corts was Francisco Pizzaro. Increasingly, Wolsey handled state affairs; he became archbishop of York in 1514, chancellor and representative to the papacy (office of the pope) in 1515. The destruction was so great that the Spanish invasion was delayed for a year. The queen died two years later. Ivan the Terrible. do with the translation. The Jews were expelled and went mainly to North Africa. The Catholic sovereigns' most controversial actions involved Jews and Muslims. Charles saw this as a chance to occupy Naples, so he marched his army into Italy. The marriage contract stated that Ferdinand and Isabella would rule their own kingdoms and that Aragon and Castile were not to be merged. Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library. Today Mary is best known as "Bloody Mary" because of her persecution of Protestants. Francis was a dashing figure, a man of immense charm who had a lust for life. . In the process, he helped bring the Italian Renaissance to France. Henry VIII is now considered the true Renaissance prince. The Portuguese monarchy had also asked the pope to recognize Portugal's authority over its discoveries in Africa. But Corts wanted more treasures, and over the next two years he massacred the Aztec, finally destroying Tenochtitln in 1521. In 1520 Wolsey, Henry's principal adviser, attempted to bring peace to Europe by arranging the Treaty of London, but this scheme was not workable. His childhood was remarkable because of his enlightened, humanist education. At that time France was severely weakened by a wave of epidemics (widespread outbreaks of disease) that began with the Black Death (bubonic plague) in 1348 (see "Black Death" in Chapter 1). The other European powers now had land and a certain amount of income from their colonies, but they still did not have what they wanted: the spices, sugar, and precious metals owned by Spain and Portugal. The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 made this division official and granted Portugal possession of what is now Brazil. The Castilian nobility were alarmed by this development because they knew a Spanish king would limit their power. Records such as reports from the Christian Council of Elvira in 313 show that Christians immediately began pressuring Jews to convert to Christianity. For more than a decade Henry and Catherine were happy together. They had a daughter, Mary, but the king wanted a son because he did not believe Mary would be accepted as his The Angevins and the Argonese both continued to claim the right to rule Naples and Sicily. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? 3. Cabot's exploration of Newfoundland, in 1497, yielded sparse information about the new continent's northern-most regions. The region that later became known as Normandy was turned over to the Northmen in 911 by Charles III (879929; ruled 893923). For these reasons Henry VII was once considered England's first Renaissance ruler, and the English Renaissance was often dated to the beginning of his reign in 1485. His successor, Louis XIV (16381715; ruled 16431715), was only five years old. Francis died of gout and liver disease at Rambouillet, France, in 1547. Relations between France and Germany, or Franco-German relations form an integral part of the wider politics of Europe.Both countries are among the founders and the main leading Member states of the European Union and its predecessor the European Communities since its inception in 1958 with the signing of the Treaty of Rome.. General relations between the two countries since 1871, according to . Hawkins opened up English trade with the islands in the Caribbean Sea in the New World, and Drake circumnavigated (sailed around) the globe between 1577 and 1580. They had closely studied the advanced civilizations of past times and their own era. For the rest of the century England and other Protestant states were involved in conflict with Spain and the papacy. In the fifteenth century, the uncharted ocean was an unknown frontier that held as much mystery for seafarers as space holds for the world today. The geography and number of subkingdoms varied over time, but the term Francia eventually came to refer to . Rise of Kingdoms is a game for iOS and Android with which you can enjoy the whole experience of a strategy game at your fingertips. In 1483 Torquemada was appointed first inquisitor for all Spanish provinces. One thing is for sure - Rise of Kingdoms monetization strategy plays a huge role in all of this. Charlemagne's Rise to Power. The Visigoths were a nomadic Germanic tribe which flourished in Europe during the time of the Romans. Spain had often attracted the attention of people from North Africa as a promising new land. Yet the Jews found Berber conquests even more threatening. On March 30, 1492, heeding the advice of Torquemada, the king and queen ordered all Jews to leave Spanish territory by July 30. It was waged by the successors of Francis and Charles. Beginning in the late fifteenth century, Europeans took to the seas in search of riches in the East. In fact, in 1614 he dissolved Parliament, then ruled for seven years without one. when he began competing against Charles I, the young king of Spain. "The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and Spain The Ottoman Empire was no longer a threat to Spain's rich possessions in Italy and along the Mediterranean. French explore inland water routes Nearly sixty years later, and farther north, Henry Hudson (died 1611), a British captain sailing for the Dutch, led his expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. In 1415 Henry the Navigator, son of the Portuguese king, led an armada against Ceuta and won a battle that left thousands of Muslim bodies piled in the streets of the city. While Charles was securing his empire in Western Europe, his military generalscalled the conquistadorswere winning tremendous lands and wealth in the Americas. When Gama returned to Calicut in 1502, with the purpose of turning it into a Portuguese colony, the city's head administrator, or Samuri, sent a ship full of envoys (representatives) to discuss the captain's intentions. Margaret was exiled to France, and Henry lived the rest of his life imprisoned in the Tower of London (a prison for members of the royalty and nobility). They established a line of strong monarchs that lasted for eight hundred years and elevated France to the status of a major power. Earlier they had been great centers of learning and the arts, but now the great monastic libraries were divided and sent to other The Spanish king, Ferdinand II of Aragon, had conquered and an nexed the small kingdom of Navarre, situated between France and Spain on the Bay of Biscay (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). In 1282 Sicily had been placed under the rule of Peter of Aragon, a member of a royal family in the Aragon region of Spain. Ferdinand therefore had himself proclaimed regent (interim ruler) of Castile, possibly expecting to have some influence on Joanna once she and Philip arrived from Brussels to take the throne. Complete disaster awaited Francis at Pavia, a city near Milan, in February 1525. official symbol of France, painted on his shield. The only lasting outcome of the meeting was a new translation of the Bible, which was prepared by both Anglican and Puritan scholars and published in 1611. Much of the wealth seized from the religious houses was spent on warfare. James's reign was troubled by his insistence upon ruling by divine right (the concept that a king is chosen directly by God). The English were given an increased sense of national pride by the Treaty of Troyes (1420). The English made three assaults on the Spanish, but they did not inflict any serious damage. Egypt awakens, chaos awaits. The Armada would then sail on to England and stage a massive sea assault. Their adviser was Toms de Torquemada (pronounced tor-kay-MAH-thah; 14201498), a Dominican monk (member of a religious order founded by Saint Dominic). . After Boniface's death in 1303, Philip succeeded in having the seat of the papacy (office of the pope) moved from Rome, Italy, to Avignon, France. In 1150 a new group of Berber conquerors, the Almohades, came to Francia. Then on December 9, 1525, King Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) gave a similar choice to Moriscos living in Aragon after he had inherited the country from his grandfather Ferdinand. (See "The Inquisition" in Chapter 1.) Person as author : Doumas, Christos In : History of humanity: scientific and cultural development, v.II: From the third millennium to the seventh century B.C., p. 146-151 Language : English Also available in : Also available in : Franais Year of publication : 1996 The king's announcement also offered a reward of 25,000 ducats (coins used in various European countries) for the capture of William of Orange. In the south, the Italian peninsula was turned into a battleground. The first successful English colony, founded in Virginia in 1607, was named in the king's honor: Jamestown. Below you will find a complete list of Questions included in Peerless Scholar trivia and their answer along with a guide on how to take part in the event. The consolidation of the kingdom of France under one ruler was now complete. The older of Edward's two infant sons was declared the rightful heir to the throne; he was to be known as King Edward V. Edward IV's younger brother, Richard (14521485), duke of Gloucester, was supposed to protect Edward V. Within three months, however, Richard had outsmarted his opponents and he took the throne as Richard III (ruled 148385). Specifically, the issue was whether the king had the right to appoint bishops (heads of church districts) without the pope's approval. In 1536 Henry discovered that Anne had been unfaithful to him and he had her beheaded. The dispute over whether France or Spain had the right to rule Naples and Sicily had been going on since the thirteenth century. Columbus's ships went off course and he did not reach Asia. The Genoan seafarer Christopher Columbus believed that the western route would actually be shorter. Mary had widespread popular support, and she immediately began undoing the Reformation in two stages. Rise of Kingdoms is a staggeringly huge mobile game. Beneath them were lords (noblemen) and clergymen (church officials), who were granted tracts of land called fiefs (pronounced feefs) by the king. James was married to Anne of Denmark. One of Francis's armies then overran most of the countryside around Milan. He was daring and courageous in battle, to the point of folly. Before leaving Spain in 1520, he appointed Adrian Florensz as regent of Spain. She did not call herself Supreme Head, possibly because it was believed a woman could not head a church. Unable to capture Paris by force, Henry embraced Catholicism in 1593 and entered the city peacefully the following year. For the next eight years Charles increased his power and expanded Habsburg territory. Christians were becoming impatient because only a few Moriscos had actually converted. Classical educations were provided to members of the ruling classes and the clergy, and scholars avidly studied ancient history. Both Somerset and Warwick approved of further reform in the church. In the 1300s the Catalans had been given the privilege of taxing themselves and voting subsidies (additional funds) for the crown only if they wanted to do so. Many Europeans were convinced that life was not supportable near the equator. democratic rule. Vast, uncharted regions of the ocean had yet to be explored, but with these maps a navigator could safely reach the boundaries of the known world. Although Francis had sided with Protestants against his great rival Charles V, he turned against the Waldensians, a group of Protestants in his own country. He did his best to save the fleet, and the Armada sailed north. Dismissing most of his foreign advisers, he appointed Spaniards to take their places. The Moriscos revolted in Granada and had to be forcibly restrained. The exploration of North America revealed two important facts to the English, French, and Dutch: there was probably no Northwest Passage to the Indies, and there was no quick or easy way to create a wealthy empire. The final push for Italian unification came in 1859, led by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia (then the wealthiest and most liberal of the Italian states), and orchestrated by Piedmont-Sardinia's Prime Minister, Count Camillo di Cavour. Known for its elegant prose style, the King James Bible is still considered the "authorized version" by many Protestant faiths. Marquette's accidental voyage convinced the French that the Mississippi flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, a suspicion that was confirmed in 1682, when Ren-Robert Cavelier de La Salle (16431687) traveled down the Mississippi to its mouth, where he founded the city of New Orleans. The English were weakened by their loss to the French during the Hundred Years' War. At first all went well for Francis. In 1553 she restored the Latin Mass and the following year she recognized the jurisdiction of the pope in England. In 1630 the Netherlands seized some coastal towns in northern Brazil. He realized that England did not have the financial resources to fund any involvement in a war. ceremony. King John II of Portugal therefore decided to have his captains circumnavigate (sail around) the African continent and reach India by way of the ocean. ." Most settled in North Africa, while others went to Turkey, France, and Italy. In the process, the colonizing pattern of European powers was altered greatly. During the first half of the sixteenth century, Europeand indeed the worldwas dominated by France, Spain, and England. The cities replaced fiefs as population centers. Even if you're enemies in the Franco-Prussian War, for example, France owed Germany some reparations, but France simply went to the private banks, borrowed the money, and paid Germany. In May 1588 the Spanish Armada set out from Lisbon, but storms forced the fleet into La Corua in northwestern Spain. The Netherlands had always been the Spanish territory closest to Charles's heart, and many noblemen wept during his speech. Other notable leaders fled to safety in Germany. This Empire itself arose from the incomplete fusion of the Germanic-speaking Franks with the Romance-speaking Gauls from c. 500 on. Dias's voyage, however, did not match the 1497 journey of Vasco da Gama (c. 14601524), who went across the southernmost tip of Africa and sailed all the way across the Indian Ocean to Calicut, on the Malabar Coast of India. LifeAfter. Other than that, if you value combat above all else, the German, Britain, Korea and Arabia civilizations are the ones for you. In 1514 England made peace with the Scots, who had invaded England and been defeated at Flodden the previous year. This left many members of Parliament feeling that they were being ignored. However, Henry's sons, Richard and John, were unable to hold these far-flung territories against the vigorous assaults of Louis VII's son Philip Augustus (11651223; ruled 11801223). Both Katherine The French also occupied the province of Navarre during the Comuneros Revolt in Spain. His son Sebastian later conducted sea expeditions for both England and Spain. James again tried to remain free of the war by arranging an alliance with a Catholic country. The Napoleonic Code of 1804 was MOST important in World History because it. Soon the stability of England was threatened by complex internal conflicts over the question of who should be king. Elizabeth was highly educated. Catherine de' Medici (1519-1589) was a Machiavellian politician, wife of Henry II of France, and later rege, A royal house whose members ruled many states of Europe, including France, Navarre, Naples, Sicily, and Spain, which still has a Bourbon member as it, John of Austria The Spanish controlled the western route to the Indies around the southern tip of the Americas, and the Portuguese controlled the way east, around Africa. Philip VI claimed he should rule because of the so-called Salic Law, which stated that the right to the throne must pass through a male line only. In walking less than five miles, he counted more than eleven hundred Spanish bodies. The Italian Wars began in 1494, when Charles was asked by the Sforzas, the family that ruled the city-state of Milan, to join them and Swiss mercenaries in seizing Florence from the Medici family (see "Milan" in Chapter 2). The church then sent Franciscans and Jesuits (members of Catholic religious orders) into Granada and Valencia to apply pressure on the Moriscos. All ROK Peerless Scholar answers are provided below so that you can pass the Preliminary, Midterm, and Final Exams. After winning several major battles, the Moors conquered the Visigoth capital of Toledo in 712 and soon pushed the Germanic lords and their armies into the northern frontiers of Spain. Finally, Henry acted on advice from his chief minister, Thomas Cromwell (c. 14851540), and simply announced that the pope had no authority in England. Another concern was that the noblemen of Castile supported Philip because they hoped he would rule in their favor. Although the monasteries were reported to be corrupt, many historians believe Parliament used this as an excuse, in 1536, to order the smaller houses closed. France was then ravaged by an internal war between the Orlanists (a family in the duchy of Orlans, in north central France) and the Burgundians (a family in the duchy of Burgundy, in northeastern France), who were both claiming the right to the French throne. Henry is now considered the true English Renaissance prince. In 1534 he explored the Saint Lawrence Rivergateway to the Great Lakesin search of a passage to China. . MadLife. The forerunner to the European explorers was the Venetian traveler Marco Polo (12541324). continent, scores of European traders managed to return from Cathay and the islands with valuable goods. Francia: French National Day is on July 14 in order to coincide with which historical event? In one year alone, Francis had spent 5.5 million livres (the French unit of currency at that time) on the war. Ferdinand feared that the Habsburgs would influence Charles to place their own interests above the needs of Spain. France during the eleventh and early twelfth centuries. Still, the troubles between Protestants and Catholics in Europe did not go away. Olivares had plans for far-reaching reform that he hoped would solve Spain's economic and political problems. By 1615, the Dutch possessed the Spice Islands and were forced to face the threat of the British East India Company. His opponents for the position were King Francis I of France (see "France" section previously in this chapter) and King Henry VIII of England (see "England" section previously in this chapter). In 1429 the country was dramatically energized by Joan of Arc (c. 14121431), who was known as the Maid of Orlans. During the wars, both France and Spain formed complex political alliancesin fact, they were even fighting on the same side at one point. Then a powerful stormthe "Great Protestant Wind," as the English called itswept through the Channel and forced the Spanish vessels away from England. 6. Joan was condemned to death for alleged heresy and witchcraft (use of supernatural powers to summon evil spirits). In these wars, Spanish armies were victorious for the sixth time. One of the most important events of Henry VIII's reign was the closing of monasteries. The main problem was that Charles was a foreigner. Serfs started escaping to urban areas in search of work. Later, the affairs of state were directed almost exclusively by Louis's minister, Armand-Jean du Plessis (15851642), known as Cardinal Richelieu (pronounced RIH-sheh-lew). Two years he massacred the Aztec, finally destroying Tenochtitln in 1521 Head, possibly because was. New land duties as emperor Charles had to be forcibly restrained but he also signed an unauthorized truce with Romance-speaking! Death for alleged heresy and witchcraft ( use of supernatural powers to summon evil spirits ) to... Spain, and the clergy, and the bribe English made three assaults on war! 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rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom