similarities of western and eastern concept of self

Previous work has assessed the impacts of tropical deforestation on . There isnt much pressure on them to take extra curricula activities and to finish their homework every day, except in some cases. Close relationships play a big part in the fabric of Chinese society and can be the difference between going up or down the ladder and even out of the group. True "Me" is given and doesn't Mo-Ti, some claim, aims at a holistic understanding of ones self and ones surroundings while a western philosopher likePlatoemphasizes specific goals one should strive for in discovering what is true and real in life. contemplative. And in many ways, it makes decisions and goals much clearer and easier to manage, especially in company groups. And by guiding our attention, this narrow or diverse focus directly determines what we remember of a scene at a later date. In fact, human beings are essentially the same the world over, only the details and customs differ, and the philosophies of eastern and western thinkers make this quite clear. Self-effacement reflects cultural norms and in some collectivist cultures, such as in China and Japan, consider modesty a virtue. The present study examines the extent to which models of honesty predict the magnitude of current or future self-serving assessment of performance in Middle Eastern students, a population often neglected in the extant literature. I agree with the differentiation between West and East because every place has its In China Relationships are a very important part of doing business with other companies as well as within a specific company. And it is very common for staff to have to work during a holiday or to shift weekends around, in order to make up for a national holiday taken mid-week. 4. the self has relation to others, society and the world. It splits almost neatly along the Yangtze River, says Talhelm. Is focused on collectivistic self-concept e.g., intragroup cooperation, interdependence, and. An example could be that individuals are free to make their own decisions on who to marry and where to marry, such as getting married in a church. Accordingly, the proposed concept "religious self" can be defined as an awareness of the one's own existence in relation to God,in which the awareness of the relationship will be the critical . Philosophers from the east have always been engaged in exactly the same pursuit as their counterparts in the west. Framework. The population in Western countries is more liberal than those in the East. Although as China changes and becomes more competitive within the global economy, its clear that slowly it is becoming the those with higher technical skills and experience are becoming more valued in organisations. This concept of the self is certain to seem alien to our Western consciousness, which has a decidedly more Platonic view of self-identity. Differentiating West from East. Similarities. Plato uses this slave boy as an example of innate knowledge to show that people already know innately what they think of as being taught and that this goes for knowledge of goodness as well as anything else. Richard C. Page: is an associate professor in the Department of Counseling and Human Development Services at the University of Georgia, Athens. There are more than a dozen different words for "I . From the broad differences between East and West, to subtle variation between US states, it is becoming increasingly clear that history, geography and culture can change how we all think in subtle and surprising ways right down to our visual perception. Check out this link for the playlist. This extends to overtime. develop as much as they can, Eastern Education, achievement is linked As set they differ in their features but mostly because they are oriented in different directions. It is for this reason that Hokkaido proves to be so fascinating. In contrast it could be said that these days western younger generation are savvier with their savings as well. Further illustration of the above philosophies by Plato and Wang points out the similarity. The problem of the self currently remains unsolved. One could compare the fundamental ideas of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius (l. 551-479 BCE) with those of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (l. 384-322 BCE) and find they are presenting the same basic concepts. Where can you find the Philippines in the distinction? That is, the idea . Some are true and some have changes slightly. "Similarities Between Eastern & Western Philosophy." I have noticed is that in the West there is more of an expectation of stability and consistency from leadership and individuals in general as compared with the East. As Hussain points out, there are many historic connections between Eastern and Western countries that will mean that some people straddle both ways of thinking, and factors like age and class will also have an effect. Another interrelated difference between Eastern and Western education is how learning itself is seen as a mean to an end. But it is not considered above the communities needs. Doctoral student in the counseling psychology program. So some of the east vs west differences I found whilst spending time in China, its clear that collectivism is at the forefront of the national psyche. Wang would agree with Plato that anyone can recognize what is good and not good regarding morality. In fact one can ask several questions as to what the western civilization is, but the main question that should be asked is what may the history of western civilization comprised of., The orient has traditionally been considered to be the negation of the West, i.e. Western Eastern More liberal, allows people to be open minded and critical. The Eastern and Western religions both have some things in common as well as some things they can vary. Bibliography The criticism that Mo-Ti and Plato aim at different ends, mentioned above, is untenable in that both philosophers make clear that one must concentrate on the improvement of the self before one tries to improve others. The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is 'fragmentary' while eastern philosophy is . However, in Eastern philosophy, the self is often treated as an illusion. Self-actualization is mainly a western concept originally coined by Kurt Goldstein while self-realization traces its roots to eastern concepts, particularly Indian philosophy. And to have a better and shared prosperous future, all cultures must work together to improve the future for everyone. In Asia persistence is a communal attribute and the group will persist and work together to achieve. But the older generation are savvier with their savings. Western Concept of Self. Travellers daring to make the crossing would have then had to endure the notoriously brutal winters, rugged volcanic landscape and savage wildlife. Western philosophy focuses on the finding the . Eastern culture believes that a human being is an integral part of the society as . Let's consider our earlier scenario and the congratulations offered by a . Eastern culture believes that one's future is determined by one's deeds today. Its the one with the most social credit. The relativist philosophies of the Chinese sophist Teng Shih (l. 6th century BCE) and the Greek sophist Protagoras (5th century BCE) are almost identical. And it may be more favourable to manage people in a more systemic, organised and less personal way. The difference in the philosophies majorly comes up because of linguistic approaches used. Western ideas on how the self is constructed and how it relates to perception and experience are examined, and Western and Eastern concepts . We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. Holistic thinking permeates Eastern philosophy and culture (Credit: Getty Images). 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The Greek philosopher Epictetus (l. c. 50-130 CE) said the same thing when he wrote, "It is not circumstances themselves that trouble people, but their judgments about those circumstances." These east vs west differences change the ways in which people act, behave, and think. Please support World History Encyclopedia. In such circumstances, it is very difficult to control and manage the expectations and the individual. Even so, the subtle variation between individual countries suggests that many other surprising factors are also at work. The biggest difference between these two types of religions is the concepts employed. Nearly 70% were American, and most were undergraduate students hoping to gain pocket money or course credits by giving up their time to take part in these experiments. This may also have something to do with stages of economic development. Western Eastern This is infact one of the major differences between eastern and western cultures. The tacit assumption had been that this select group of people could represent universal truths about human nature that all people are basically the same. World History Encyclopedia. Western children are also much more comfortable with communicating their own feeling and thoughts about what they should be doing and what they will do. The Western Zodiac is based on twelve signs relating to months of the year whilst the Eastern tradition has twelve animals based on the year of birth. Nisbett points out that Western philosophers emphasised freedom and independence, whereas Eastern traditions like Taoism tended to focus on concepts of unity. (Enchiridion, I:v) Epictetus says that one should not even fear death because one does not know whether death is a good or a bad thing. Not only does the evid. Many younger generations are realising that saving is the only way to get on the property ladder and increase their net wealth. Fashion and brands do not promote traditions but only innovation and modern consumer goods. Emily Mark studied history and philosophy at Tianjin University, China and English at SUNY New Paltz, NY. close relatives, Elders are considered as a sacred and Likewise when talking to Asian people about the weather westerners may receive strange looks and some may not quite understand the nature of the conversation and loos interest. EASTERN AND WESTERN THINKERS ALIKE BELIEVE THAT HUMAN BEINGS ARE ESSENTIALLY THE SAME ALL OVER THE WORLD, ONLY THE DETAILS AND CUSTOMS DIFFER. Just as a child knows when it is hungry, a person knows how to be good. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211nes DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga Soon others followed suit, with farms, ports, roads, and railways sprouting up across the island. Especially with the onslaught of ecommerce, advertising, and economic boom in Asia. In his dialogue ofPhaedrus, Plato poses the question, What is good, and what is not good? A good example is our university, George Mason. Ultimately, I believe a universal way of cognitive thinking will develop not only from Eastern and Western thought processes, but also from other cultures around the, The term ________ is more common in the West, and ________ is more common in the East., "Irrational, depraved (fallen), childlike, [and] different,,4 (40) were words used to describe Orientals. Both of these philosophers have exerted an enormous influence through their works, and both argue for the existence of innate knowledge; that human beings are born knowing right from wrong, and good from bad, and need only be encouraged to pursue goodness in order to live a fulfilling life. Whereas in the west it would be unthinkable to throw people under the bus and many people would need at least a fair amount of notice in order to prepare. Although there are investments and subsidies for universities and research and development centres, it is unclear as to how implement that technology for the long term. It is also a science and art of the ultimate reasons and principle of things. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with In China it is common for the security guard or the receptionist to talk to you about whether you have eaten breakfast, lunch, or dinner. "Similarities Between Eastern & Western Philosophy." One could compare the fundamental ideas of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 BCE) with those of theGreekphilosopher Aristotle (384-322 BCE) and find they are presenting the same basic concepts. We've encountered a problem, please try again. For some women, these precautions are taken to avoid negative encounters the komieth, and have very little, if anything,, The author identifies the differences between East and West being our inherent basic ideologies. Self-liberation from the false "Me" and finding the true "Me". It becomes a Bureaucratic nightmare to manage the flow and institutional organisation needed for such a large quantity of people. However, both philosophies have the goal of finding out the meaning and purpose in the life and path of an individual respectively. for only $11.00 $9.35/page. Do you agree with the differentiation between the West and the East? Though it can be argued that western parents will send their children to better school and push them to work hard in some cases. Very basically, anatta (or anatman in Sanskrit) is the teaching that there is no permanent, eternal, unchanging, or autonomous "self" inhabiting "our" bodies or living "our" lives. Wang would agree with Plato that anyone can recognize what is good and not good regarding morality. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. This blog covers what is a KOL in marketing in China and Asia and takes a look at there KOL landscape in 2022. Both philosophers stated that the highest goal human beings could strive to achieve was a virtue. Working with scientists in China, Talhelm tested more than 1,000 students in various rice- and wheat-growing regions, using measures such as the triad test of holistic thinking. to struggle and hard work, Arrange marriages are not common Arrange marriages are common, Sources: Staff will take an active role in team activities in order to gain praise and social reward. Changing sometimes month to month. I. Daniel N. Berkow. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the self-perceptions of Latino students at an institution of higher education in Eastern Pennsylvania. The similarities of, the Philippines from its Asian neighbors are its geographical feature, culture--bayanihan, spirit and the gestures we use us a sign of respect, sipa the native sport similar to speak, takraw that is played through Asian countries and the cockfighting which is the past time, practiced in neighboring nations. Philosophers from the east have always been engaged in exactly the same pursuit as their counterparts in the west. Mark, E. (2016, January 17). Team building exercises usually take on a nationalistic tone, with Chinese banners and conversation aligning with the companies goals and strategic vision also. In Platos view, a person already knows what is good because that person will respond innately to the quality of goodness in the writing and will also respond to the concept of goodness in ones life. all self-knowledge integrated into. passive. In the east it is usual practice to throw staff or people into a challenging and unknown situation with no prior notice. Emphasizes religion and norms. The school and the children are not the primary focus when considering life. In the east it is more likely that people will save money, work hard, and restrain from spending too much. People from the West are more open to expressing their feelings. Books For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. The question is what the solution should be.. Debunk interning in eastern cultures vs. western cultures with GoAbroad. And of course, this does not account for every situation on both sides, but in general it has been the case in my experience. Wang and Plato both agree that what prevents a person from acting on what they know is selfish desires which confuse people and make them choose to act badly even when they know they should not. points out that whenever we seek to understand an Eastern concept, a comparison with a concept we are . The similarities between eastern and western philosophy are greater than any differences cited by modern-day writers and lecturers on the topic. This deference to others seemed like a subtle sign of a more collectivist mindset, and so Talhelm began to wonder what might lie behind the two outlooks. Submitted by Emily Mark, published on 17 January 2016. The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is 'fragmentary' while eastern philosophy is 'holistic'. Wolter: In Search of the Self: Eastern versus Western Perspectives Published by DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University, 2012. creatures have at their core a sense of play, . Western culture in general has a foundation of Christianity; Judaism, Catholicism, Protestant, and Islam in its various forms whereas many cultures in the east have a foundation of Hinduism, Jainism, Shenism, Taoism, Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Islam. By and large, cultures in the West tend to be more individualistic whereas people from the East are more collectivist. autonomous entity; it is an part of the universe and the. The differences between the concepts of Wang and Plato are only cosmetic and linguistic. Thomas Talhelm at the University of Chicago recently examined 28 different provinces of China, finding that the thinking orientation appeared to reflect the local agriculture of the region. Eastern people make sacrifices for calmness of society but it is a tough task to manage life in harsh circumstances of eastern world. Eastern & western thinkers alike believe that human beings are essentially the same all over the world, only the details & customs differ. Eastern and western religions both have some things they can vary pursuit as their counterparts in the and... Nationalistic tone, with Chinese banners and conversation aligning with the differentiation between the concepts.. 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similarities of western and eastern concept of self

similarities of western and eastern concept of self