social studies note for jss2

BIOLOGY PAST PAPERS Make sure your foods are properly cooked. 06 Social Studies JSS2 Third Term Mid-Term Assessment. Pages 52 54. One of the following best defines Social Studies (a) The study of man (b) The study of the physical and social environment (c) The study of man's interaction with his physical and social environments THEORY Identify five objectives of Social Studies. Mention the importance of gender equality. In traditional society, marrying many wives gives the man a high status. What are the benefits of a group behavior? Performance objectives: Students should be able to: Explain the meaning of family bond; Explain the need for bond and cohesion in the family setup; Content . NYSTCE CST Social Studies (2023 - 2024) Questions With 100% Correct Verified Answers What did the English Parliament create in 1689? Apart from the genitals, they have similar body parts. Values enable people to obey the rules and regulations of the country. Economic instability: This occurs when the couple finds it difficult to meet the financial and needs of the family. B. people from the same ethnic group C. people from more than two ethnic groups. Peer Group: Children learn from their peers. Identify five effects of sexual abuse on children. Education of children: The family creates opportunity for the children to receive formal education by sending them to school and paying their school fees. These agents of socialization are sources of values. . Values enable us to choose friends that share the same values. Members of the family with good reputation serve as role models to other families. Intra Ethnic Marriage: This refers to a marital relationship between a man and a woman from the same ethnic group e. g when a Yoruba man marries a Yoruba woman. Religion: The churches and mosques teach values. A. stool B. acid C. tables D. hydrogen, All the following items are found in the first aid box in the school except A. plaster B. iodine C. panadol D. acid. Muslims go for their pilgrimage in one of the following cities A. JSS2 Business Studies; JSS2 Christian Religious Studies; JSS2 Civic Education; JSS2 Computer Studies; JSS2 English; JSS2 Mathematics; JSS2 Social Studies; JSS 3. Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A. Unripe Fruits: Fruits that are not matured or not ripe for consumption. UNEB UCE PASTPAPERS Jss1-3 Scheme of Work They co-ordinate and enforce all economic and financial crime laws. Women should raise the children since they carry and deliver the babies. One of these is not a factor that influences gender roles. The Yorubas call God Olodumare or Olorun. Your email address will not be published. Embezzlement of funds: Embezzlement is an act of diverting money meant for official use to private or personal use e.g. will lead to accident. Why is family regarded as the primary agent of socialization? A group of senior students may force the junior over to donate. Pages 89 91. Suggest ways of preventing intake of harmful substances. Religious institutions teach their members to shun all forms of evils and criminal activities. Trade can be classified into two: Home trade and foreign or international trade Marriage is the legal coming together of a man and a woman as husband and wife. A child may also observe what his or her parents are doing and try to imitate them. *, document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Agriculture Barreness: This is when the wife could not give birth to children. Religion: The churches and mosques teach values. Download Social Studies Exam Questions For Jss2 Second Term: FileName. SCHEME OF WORK JSS 2 SOCIAL STUDIES SECOND TERM WEEKS TOPIC S Values Meaning of Values and their Importance Sources of Values Factors that Influence our Values Values Clarification Understanding one's own Values 2. Give five examples of harmful substances. More funds should be provided and necessary laws should be made to ease their job, What do you understand by drug trafficking. Safety instructions should be provided in the school and strictly followed by everybody. General cleanliness of the school environment and maintenance of the school facilities. Bride price is paid by the husband or family of the husband. Value refers to what a society regards as very important and is held in high esteem. Words can't describe how I feel. Mention 5 ways of preventing drug trafficking. Religious institutions provide explanations to some of the mysteries of life. Mention the names we call God in different communities in. Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. OluwasolaOyewole. It can also be defined as is the belief in the existence of a supreme being called God who created the entire universe including plants, animals and human beings. Which of the following is regarded as the role of females in the home? Marriage vows are taken by the couple. People will like to associate with families that have good reputation. Each family inquires into the family background of the other to know if the family is well mannered and does not suffer from any incurable diseases. - The English Bill of Rights What was King John of England forced to sign in 1215? Honesty, integrity and hard work should be rewarded, Government should give ICPC, EFCC free hand to administers justice on corrupt citizens, Mention three effects each of corruption on the nation and society. A. head of the family B. women propose marriages to men C. women perform manual jobs D. women are cooks in the homes. One of the following is the importance of values A. A family with good reputation is trusted by the society. To pool talents or power layette to complete a given task. zimsec o level history green book pdf Christians make use of the Holy book called Bible. The meaning of family bond and cohesion Identify the first institution created by God. Research etc. A nuclear family consists of a man, his wife and their children, while an extended family is made up of a man, his wife or wives, children and other relations like cousin, nephews, grandparents etc. WEEK ONE TOPIC: Science, Technology and Society Meaning of Science and Technology Definition: Science is an organized body of knowledge which depends on theory. It is marriage that joins a man and a woman to become husband and wife. UNEB UACE PASTPAPERS JSS2 Third Term Social Studies Lesson Note - Assertiveness. Values prevent people from making mistakes. Subject: Social Studies. Voluntary organizations include the following except A. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Test. Polyandry: This refers to a marital relationship between a woman and more than one husband. Social Studies lesson note for JSS Two 3rd Term has been provided in detail here on Family B. NAFDAC iv. This lesson note covers the following topics for JSS2 Third Term Social Studies: TOPIC. What is the full meaning of the following? The family belongs to A. secondary social group B. primary social group C. tertiary social group D. universal social group, Living together in a family enhances all of the following except A. provision of essential needs B. protection of members C. happiness of members D. protection of anti social behavior, Nuclear family is also known as __________ family A. distance B. peace C. family. The above is the lesson note for Social Studies for JSS2 (JSS Two) class. It allows the husband and the wife to assist each other. Social Studies lesson note for Junior Secondary School-2 Second Term, is now available for free. Mention 5 challenges or problems to marriage, Identified 4 solutions to marital challenges. They are: Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. OluwasolaOyewole. Effects of Lack of Readiness on Marriage Relationship, Similarities and Differences Between Male and Female, Meaning and Examples of Gender Stereotypes, Negative Effects of Gender Roles/Stereotypes. block moulding, bricks laying, carpentry, tanker, and lorry driver etc. Gender roles refer to the behaviours considered appropriate for males or females in a culture or society. Differentiate between primary and secondary socialization. There is also exchange of rings. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all JSSs in Nigeria, in other words, all private JSSs in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Social Studies. Your email address will not be published. Generally, social studies educates students on citizenship, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitude that will help them become responsible citizens. Boys scout C. Girls brigade D. Christianity: Christianity is a religion that teaches about Jesus Christ. Value is the acceptable way of living considered as normal by a particular group of people. State the conditions necessary for marriage, Students should be able to: A married man or woman is regarded as a responsible person in the society. women carry pregnancy C. women breastfeed D. women do manual jobs. This could lead to divorce. 1. Economic instability: This occurs when the couple finds it difficult to meet the financial and needs of the family. A. Stale food B. expired drug C. fake drug D. jollof rice. if money meant for road repair is shared by the officials in charge of the contract. Words can't describe how I feel. red cross, girls guide, boys scout etc also teach values. Give five reasons why people engage in for drug, List four ways of preventing drug trafficking, The school curriculum: The inclusion of the topic in primary and post primary curriculum is a good decision on part of the government it sensitizes the school children or what drug abuse is and its effects on their future, Family awareness: Through mass Medici parents have more information about drug abuse and its effects parents will in turn educate their children and advice them against it, Public enlightenment programmes a drug abuse. Infidelity: Extra marital relationship by either of the couple can cause misunderstanding and divorce. Women should raise the children since they carry and deliver the babies. Social studies teaches us our roles and responsibilities in the environment we find ourselves. The government agency that fights against expired, fake and adulterated drugs in Nigeria is A. Nigeria Medical Association B. primary 3 lesson notes uganda Accident is also unfortunate and unexpected event that destroys lives and property. It can force the female child to engage in pre-marital sex which may lead to unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases e.g. Social Studies Praxis 5081, 5086, or 5089 Study Guide. Time lines, websites and posters are also used often as social studies projects. Males are the dominant partner in relationship. Members of the family cooperate with one another and also share. Women are not supposed to propose a marriage. List the types of family, Students should be able to: Similarities in The Lessons Our Religion Teaches Us. There is cooperation in the family. Giving and taking of bribes are both punishable offences. These are the nuclear and the extended family. SolakatNew Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by Oluwasola Oyewole pages 39 44. Both males and females have equal values. Government should intensify efforts at educating parents and youths about effects of drug abuse. All religious institutions forbid lying, stealing, adultery and murder. Disclaimer. Marriage gives security to the woman and the children. Student Guides School C. Hospital D. Mass media. Impure Water: Water that is not fit or safe for drinking as a result of pollution or contamination. In some families, males are given more privileges in terms of education, important jobs and inheritance of property. Peer Group Influence: Peer groups have positive and negative influence on children and youths. State the importance of servicom. The family is the smallest social unit of a society, it is the part through which a child comes into the world. Being clear about our own values and beliefs helpus to make decisions that feel right to us. Females make themselves physically attractive. What are the subjects that make up of social studies? Always look out for the expiry dates of drugs and packaged foods and drinks before consumption. PHYSICS PAST PAPERS Mention the names we call God in different communities in Nigeria. Extortion: This is an act of forcing some one or an individual to pay for a service that should be free example. The Muslims main day of worship is on A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday D. Saturday. NAFDACiv. Helping Children To Learn During the Holidays, How to Deal With Bullies: A Guide for Parents, Religious & National Values (RNV) JSS2 First Term. Some gender roles are biologically determined. In our Social Studies lesson today, we will be looking at the topic "government". What are the steps to take when accident occur in the school? Give the meaning of gender roles with examples. List and explain two causes of corruption. It can also be defined as the systematic study of nature. 2.Greed: A greedy fellow does not get satisfied with what he has as a result get involved in corruption of different types. Drug trafficking refers to the illegal act of carrying or transporting hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, Indian heir and many others within or outside the comply. Accident is a harmful in nature. Mention the government agencies that fight corruption in Nigeria. It also helps students develop an ability to think critically about societal issues and learn how to address them based on their understanding of social values. Lack of commitment on the part of government. It is the duty of the men to propose marriages. For instance, the roles of males and females in child bearing are determined by nature. List and explain three consequences of drug trafficking. 1. They are all human beings with feeling emotions, needs and desires. Etc. This is a situation where someone gets favour, contracts or job not on the basis of qualification or merit but on the basis of friendship, tribe, and immoral relationship e.t.c. Suggest ways of preventing accident in the school. Divorce: Divorce occurs when the marriage has been dissolved with a legal document backing up the separation. All the following professions are regarded as male professions except A. nursing B. bricklaying B. carpentry C. plumbering D. truck drivers. freedom of association, movement, expression etc. Report accident to parents, elderly persons and teachers. What name do the Igbos call their God? Social Studies J.S.S 2 First Term. Other functions of these agencies include; examination of declared assets made by public officers, they also keep documents and make them available to anyone who wishes to see it. Values promote peace and progress of the society. All the following professions are regarded as male professions except A. bricklaying B. carpentry C. nursing D. lorry drivers. People will like to marry from families that have good reputation. Value promote positive relationship among different people. Identify five behaviour that could destroy friendship. Explain the following. Education of children: The family creates opportunity for the children to receive formal education by sending them to school and paying their school fees. Good social behaviour: The family provides avenue for the teaching of acceptable cultural values by parents to their children. Males can perform manual jobs while females take care of domestic duties. Secondary Social Group C. The family belongs to A. secondary social group B. We have JSS & SSS lesson notes. Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime. Your email address will not be published. EFCC iii. UCE PAST PAPERS In marriage, bride price is paid by the _______ A. groom B. bride C. brides family D. friend of the bride. Social Studies JSS1 Lesson Notes with Fun Quizzes, Evaluation Questions, and End of Term Examination for Second Term! A. television B. market C. parents D. educational curriculum. The youths and children often times seek guidance and counseling from their peers instead of their parents. Identify the necessary conditions for marriage. Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime. i. Christianity ii. Social Studies for Junior Secondary School by Anlepo, Mohammed Ezegbe and Salau. Mention the government agencies that fight corruption in. Safety instructions should be provided in the school and strictly followed by everybody. Orebanjo, I.O Osokoyaet. chemistry practical notes Explain the purposes of marriage, Students should be able to: ICPCii. al. Women are stereotyped as being caring, less rational, more prone to tears, more gentle, talking more and wanting to take care of children. The following agencies have been put in place by the government to eradicate corruption, they include the EFCC, ICPC, Code of Conduct Burea. A child may also observe what his or her parents are doing and try to imitate them. People will like to marry from families that have good reputation. Individuals acquire values through the agents of socialization. 4.8. What are the benefits of religions institutions? List and explain two effects of drug abuse. In our Social Studies lesson today, we will be looking at the topic "Leadership And Followership". Unity: Living together in the family promotes the spirit of unity among members of the family. Science, Technology and Society I. Mathematics Notes English Notes The conditions for marriage are as follows: Topic: Effects of Lack of Readiness in Marriage Relationship, TOPIC: FAMILY AS THE BASIC UNIT OF SOCIETY, PERIOD I: ADVANTAGES OF LIVING TOGETHER IN FAMILY. What are the benefits of a group behavior? All the following factors influence our values except A. Islam iii. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Religious institutions provide explanations to some of the mysteries of life. This Social Studies lesson note serves as a handy reminder of the objectives, content, activities, and teaching aids of a lesson. Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. OluwasolaOyewole. It also helps students develop an ability to think critically about societal issues and learn how to address them based on their understanding of social values. Word Document File. Values also mean the worth of a particular thing in monetary terms. The basic needs are food, shelter and clothing. GovernmentEconomicsand PsychologyI spent almost a year developing this Praxis study guide because I couldn . Parental influence gender roles as they may serve as role models to their children. Gender roles are taught from the birth to death. ZIMSEC Muslims believe that there is only one God and Mohammed is the messenger. The teachings of Islam are contained in the Quran which is the Holy book of the Muslims. Steps to Take When Accidents Occur in the School. Responsibility: We should carry out our duties and must be responsible for our actions. God created plants, animals and later created Adam and Eve as husband and wife and kept them at the Garden of Eden. Mention the importance of good family reputation. PHYSICS SENIOR 2 This is the greatest challenge or. Protection: It is the duty of the parents to protect their children from danger. It exists in every facets of Nigeria society both in private and government establishment Family with good reputation can present one with social. ClassNotes These agencies have their different responsibilities. Secondary Social Group C. Nigeria Union of Teachers D. Nigeria Union of Journalists. The Efik people call God Abasi or Edidem. Careless usage of chemicals in the school laboratories will causes accident in the school, Exposed live electricity cables or wire will cause accident in the school, Students playing rough plays and running on the staircase will cause accident in the school, Student climbing trees in the school will cause accident in the school. Mention five negative effects of gender stereotypes. Marriage unites the families of both husband and the wife together. MEANING AND EXAMPLES OF GENDER STEREOTYPES. Common social studies projects include written reports, performances and crafts. A. Praying. Males can perform manual jobs such as construction of roads and drainages, truck pushing etc. while males are more likely to study courses such as engineering, building, architecture etc. Members of a family with good reputation are respected by other families. Social Studies lesson note for Junior Secondary School-2 First Term is now available for free. Need many subjects? Gender stereotypes refer to forcing people into role based on gender. Our mission is to provide a worldclass education for anyone, anywhere. All Rights Reserved |. Another name for Muslim marriage is Nikkah. Members of the family should live in unity and love one another. Pry School Lesson notes will soon be ready. Revision of JSS1 work 2. Both men and women have the same rights under the law e.g. History & Government Notes Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aa5bb670dd93e953cd4a16bcdc994109" );document.getElementById("h1ad227257").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. - Meaning of Science and Technology. A. stool B. acid C. tables D. hydrogen, All the following items are found in the first aid box in the school except A. plaster B. iodine C. Panadol D. acid. JSS2 Second Term Social Studies Lesson Note - Culture and. Without marriage, the dead members of the society cannot be replaced. Orebanjo et al. It is the man in most cases that approaches the girl and asks her to be his wife. Family B. African Traditional Religion. SOCIAL STUDIES JSS2 - SOCIAL STUDIES JSS2 On this page, get all Social Studies JSS2 topics from First Term to Third Term. some professions are regarded specially for females e.g. The Muslims main day of worship is Friday. Bareness: This is when the wife could not give birth to children. The consent of the two is important before a marriage is contracted. NDLEA. God created plants, animals and later created Adam and Eve as husband and wife and kept them at the Garden of Eden. Thorough study guide for Praxis 5081, 5086, and 5089 covering:World HistoryU.S. Some parents advice their children on the courses and professions they will pursue in life. What are the factors that influence gender roles? Females are regarded as cooks in the families. Social studies educate students on becoming patriotic and responsible citizens. Muslim Marriage: Muslim marriage is done according to the principles of the Holy Quran. Mecca B. Kuwait, The Christians main day of worship is A. Friday B. Monday C. Sunday D. Thursday, One of the following is not a pillar of Islam. Chemistry Topical Question and Answers GovernmentEconomicsand PsychologyI spent almost a year developing this Praxis study guide because I couldn . jss1 scheme of work Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A. 2. Gender is the state of being male or female. Waste no time. List and explain three types of group behaviour. Confide in a good counsellor particularly the school counsellor, your parent or your spiritual guardian i.e your pastor. Social studies prepares us to participate competently and productively as a concerned citizen and teaches us to address societal and global concerns using literature technology and other identifiable community resources. Which of the following accidents is not likely to occur in a school A. burns B. electric shock C. fall D. plane crash. Males are stereotyped as being uncaring, more rational, strong, brave, rough, staying away from home and being more interested in sports. Keep the floor clean and ensure that there is no water on the floor. Mutual Respect: Respect for each other reduces challenge in marriage and also promotes cooperation. Please note that Social Studies lesson note for JSS2 provided here for Third Term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work. Mass action: This refers to group sopranos actions to an incident. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. substance D. emergency, Which of the following chemicals should be carefully handled in the science laboratory? Marriage vows are taken by the couple. To reduce insecurity of working or standing alone, To get recognition and status in the society, To enjoy success that comes through group work or action. They aid in the systematic presentation of content to students and guide Social Studies . A family is formed when a man and a woman through marriage agree to live together as husband and wife. 07 Human Trafficking II. EFCC iii. A. head of the family B. women propose marriages to men C. women perform manual jobs D. women are cooks in the homes. Females are to wait for male to initiate relationships and sexual advances. The lesson note for Social Studies for JSS stage maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, and homework ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session. Life imprisonment: Those caught and convicted will have a life jail term, Dents the Nations image whose citizens are known for drug trafficking are always avoided today many Nigerians face a lot of embarrassment while they travel abroad because drug barons have dented their image, Increase crime rate: Most of those who takes hard drugs always engage in crimes like armed robbery, organism, violence, lusting and many others, Brigs shame to the family: Those caught in drug trafficking always brigs disgrace and shame to their family people in the community will of avoiding them, Untimely death: People who carries hard drugs by swallowing then dies suddenly, Educating: Children in primary and secondary schools should be expose to basic fact about drug trafficking. A service that should be able to: Similarities in the homes Mecca. 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social studies note for jss2

social studies note for jss2