are there dangerous fish in lake powell

Know your marinas. Pond Informer is growing community of pond & lake professionals, ecologists, and scientific writers, with a passion for all things ponds, wetlands, and sustainable conservation. Lake Powell on the Colorado River, and Glen Canyon Dam which creates the reservoir, have become casualties of this strained environment. While they are not dangerous, they will try to attack swimmers if they come too close to the nest. Thanks for watching please subscribe also follow on . 414. In threadfin shad, the lower jaw extends further than the upper jaw,whereas the jaws of the American gizzard shad do not. Bonytails are omnivorous, consuming a variety of invertebrates and plant matter. Theyre usually grouped at 60 to 100 feet and are readily caught by anglers jigging heavy spoons or bucktail jigs. But swimming with snakes? Where can I buy fishing equipment, tackle, and bait? Businesses near Bullfrog and Wahweap sell licenses and permits. These are often areas where children prefer to play help steer them away from these areas and ensure their hands are washed before they eat. Recreational water illnesses typically affect a person's stomach and intestines, skin, or respiratory system. This bonytongue feature isnt the most notable, though. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. As with many other non-native species, they also hybridize with native relatives. These include: High visitation at beaches, at popular houseboat sites, and at other frequently visited areas. Bull sharks can adapt to brackish and freshwater to find food and can make their way long into rivers, and sometimes even connected lakes. Eggs are broadcast over weed beds between March and May. Noroviruses are very contagious and can spread through an infected person's stool or vomit. Wahweap Marina and the Glen Canyon Dam, located near Page, Arizona, on U.S. Highway 89. Sandy areas and water frequently used by wildlife such as geese, gulls, ducks, ravens, herons, coyotes, rabbits, and desert bighorn sheep can harbor E.coli. The adults consume various prey items. While stingrays are not typically aggressive toward humans, the barb on the end of their tail does pose a threat. Taste? . What creatures live in Lake Powell? Lake Erie was once home to more of those fish than all of the other Great Lakes combined. ), Top 10 Best Rowing Movies And Documentaries to Watch, 10 Best Heavy-Duty River Float Tubes for Big Guys and Big Gals of 2023 (Buyers Guide! On average, a typical red shiner will be about 2 inches (5 cm) long. E. coli O157:H7 Nope. Can I rent fishing equipment from Lake Powell Resorts & Marina? Locked; Fishing Report - Two Week uplake trip - Fishing and Sight-seeing. Longnose dace predate upon small insects in riffle habitats. With a surface area of 653 sq. They dont typically live farther north than North Carolina.2 days ago. Facebook Shigella If you think of dangerous fish in open water, your first thought is likely to go to the ocean or vast seas. Giardia is another common cause of diarrhea found in infected people's stool and beaver are a common carrier. The water in the lake is a reserve to be used when there are times of drought. Dont make the mistake of thinking a river or lake is entirely safe from dangerous fish. This small species of dace can usually be found rooting around in the substrate for feed. Some water recreation illnesses can affect a person's breathing causing cold or flu-like symptoms, shortness of breath, cough, or a serious infection in the windpipe or lungs. Great summer fishing. You will definitely not find any snakes in the water. Lake Powell is among 34 Utah bodies of water where consumption advisories are in place, mostly for predatory sport fish, such as brown trout, splake, bass and walleye. Similar to chicken but with a slightly sweet taste. Swallowing contaminated water is how people are often infected. The idea goes like this: there isn't enough water to fill both Lake Mead and Lake Powell, so fill Mead first. Like the goonch, this giant catfish also has a mysterious history of attacks on people. [The Facts], 10 Best Potted Plants for Texas Heat 2023 [Updated], List of Fish Species in Becharof Lake 2023 (ID + Pics), List of Turtle Species in Washington State 2023 (ID + Pics), How to Plant & Grow White Skunk Cabbage (Lysichiton camtschatcensis). Migliaccio Logistica Tel: 0815845187. Symptoms usually start a few days after swimming and include ear pain, itchiness, redness, swelling, and pus draining from the infected ear. Invasive sea lamprey, the Great Lakes biggest predator, primarily feed on lake trout, one of the lakes most prized sports fish. Sea lampreys are the Great Lakes biggest predators. This species is adversely affected by predation pressure from introduced species, pollution, and habitat fragmentation. Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms Cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, are found in lakes, rivers, ponds, and seawater. For a low-cost, easy, . As a result, visitors can hike in amazing valleys and caverns for the first time in several decades. A few venomous animals live in the park, including rattlesnakes, scorpions, and black widow spiders. Flannelmouth suckers also have a reddish tint to their fins that the Colorado pikeminnow lacks. In an emergency, call 911 or hail National Park Service on Marine Band 16. We were rewa. Although some alligators thrive in freshwater, its just too cold in the north for them to survive. Visit, In the fall the fish are very active. One common species found in Utah is the longnose dace. Lake Powell is an oligotrophic reservoir, which means that nutrient concentrations and algal . One source recommends fishing strategies like trolling, jigging, and targeting feeding groups, commonly called boils, close to the surface. While not exclusive to Arizona, the brown recluse is yet another venomous spider that delivers a nasty bite that will destroy tissue cells and, in extreme cases, can cause kidney failure and seizures. Lake Powell has a daily bag limit of 5 largemouth bass. Lake Powell, coined after the civil war veteran Major John Wesley Powell, was formed in 1966 following the completion of the Glen Canyon Dam. Nick Duhe, the Nevada Department of Wildlife boating education coordinator, agreed that the cold water can cause problems. They acknowledge the lake level is going lower and may stay that way for a long time to come. In contrast, the Colorado pikeminnow has a mouth that resembles other predatory fish. Rainbow trout reach sexual maturity at 2 3 years of age and can grow to be staggeringly large, over 40 inches (102 cm)! When you filet them, you must cut out the red meat. People can get an E. coli infection by swallowing lake water while swimming. On this adventure we cross state lines and head to Utah's famous Lake Powell in search of one of the best freshwater fighting fish the Striper. Only a Utah fishing license is needed to fish in Lake Powell, even if you're fishing in the Arizona portion. As of 2014, Arizona no longer offers a stamp to fish across the state line. CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) Shark Week is of no concern to Northeast Ohioans, but another fanged-predator can be found in the depths of Lake Erie. Read more about us here. His family has enjoyed boating on the lake for several years. States like Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi better support the temperatures for bull sharks, so these dorsal-finned predators could be under the surface if you take a boat down the Mississippi River. Crayfish in Utah waters Crayfish are food for bass in Lake Powell and gamefish in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Use caution wherever you are, though. The largest fish taken from Lake Erie was caught by in 1929 and weighed 216 pounds. Reply. However, this process is not ideal. Spring is the best time to fish Crappie for 1.5 to 2 pounds. People are typically infected by breathing in contaminated water vapor or steam. The parasites come from infected snails which live in lakes, ponds, and oceans. Lake Powell hits drastically low levels Swimmer's ear is an infection of the outer ear canal and can affect anyone, but is most common in children. Theres a bear on my boat. When his family returned from a hike they found their boat occupied by a bear cub. This report on fishing Lake Powell is no different. This small fish lives throughout the Amazon basin and is a parasite to other fish. Bull sharks have been recorded to swim into the Mississippi River and as far as north of Minnesota. Thanks to their large eyes, they are well adapted to their nocturnal lifestyle and visual hunting strategy. Water levels at Lake Mead and Lake Powell to the northeast have already reached historic lows amid the summer drought. Non-native smallmouth bass are responsible for reducing populations of native fish species via competition or predation. One source suggests placing live bait such as worms or crickets on a bobber rig. Both species are almost exclusively herbivorous. Some shorelines are sandy, but they are colored with the same rust-colored soil as the canyons themselves. If the water has little to no visibility, its best to stay out of it unless absolutely necessary. Answer (1 of 5): I've been houseboating on the south side of the lake (based at Wahweap marina) for many years. Grilled with lemon, butter, and pepper is a favorite way to prepare. Bull sharks are not only listed as one of the most dangerous sharks in the ocean, but they add in another level of threat because they can survive in both salt and freshwater. The first sightings of C. sowerbyi at Fena Lake were in 1970 (Belk and Hotaling, 1971). Like the smallmouth bass, this species constructs large nests, and the males will protect the nest after spawning in the spring. The stripers will boil or surface feed on them typically July through October. The goonch fish is a bit of a mysterious catfish that made a name for itself as a predator to humans. Additionally, the northern pike hybridizes with a native Esox species known as the muskellunge. Bull sharks are one of a very few of the 375 species of sharks with this physiology-altering ability, and they do it better than any other. Brown recluse spider. Here are 5 of the deadliest lakes in the country. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources officers were summoned from Cedar City, Utah, where bears are a bit more common than at Lake Powell. The downward positioning of their mouths facilitates their diet of benthic invertebrates, detritus, and plant material. As with any outing near or in the water, use common sense. Best time of year to fish? They grow to be about 13.7 inches (35 cm) long. The red shiner is a small, silvery-blue fish with red fins. For Lake Havasu/ Lower Colorado River, Lake Pleasant, Saguaro Lake, Apache Lake, Canyon Lake. Humans depend on clean fresh water for many purposes. The United States Department of Agriculture suggests that while the flannelmouth sucker populations in the Colorado River are not imperiled like that of the Colorado pikeminnow or the two chub species mentioned above, they are still adversely impacted by habitat fragmentation, predator pressure, and competition. Legionellosis Always take a shower after coming into contact with any surface water whether or not an algal bloom appears to be present. As described in the Stream Fishing page, Lake Erie holds Steelhead, salmon and brown trout. "People are taking a serious look at it now," Balken told me. For now, it is unlikely to find Bull Shark anytime in Lake Michigan because of the low water temperature. depth 583 ft (178 m). While similar in appearance to the humpback chub, the bonytail has a thin caudal peduncle (the fishs tail before the caudal fin begins). Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Contact | About, List of Common Lake Powell Fish Species [Updated], 1) Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), 2) Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), 6) Black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus), 13) Longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae), 18) Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius), 19) Flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis), coined after the civil war veteran Major John Wesley Powell, encourage the spread of non-native species, intentional introductions as sportfish stock, native to only a few water bodies east of Montana, introduced as a sportfish throughout the country, primarily insectivorous but will also consume, responsible for several local extirpations of native species, reduce the overall threat of invasive red shiners, U.S. These activities can cause toxins to become airborne, increasing the likelihood you will inhale them. Quick Answer: Can You Fish Lake Powell With A Utah License, Question: Is Az Fishing License Ok At Lake Powell, What Fishing License Do I Need For Lake Powell, Do I Need A Fishing License For Lake Powell, Do You Need A Fishing License At Lake Powell, Question: Are There Dangerous Fish In Lake Erie, Quick Answer: Are There Dangerous Fish In Lake Michigan, Quick Answer: Are There Dangerous Fish In Lake Ontario, Quick Answer: Are There Dangerous Fish In Lake Pontchartrain, Are There Any Dangerous Fish In Lake Erie, Are Lake Massachusetts Lake Fish Safe To Eat. There are strict rules around bait fishing at Lake Powell as of September 2022. Dont let children play with scum in the water or along the shore. Watch yourself if you ever end up around water in the Congo Basin of Central Africa, and be wary of dangling limbs in the water. dangerous fish in lake powell. Anyone with a valid Utah fishing license, either resident or nonresident, may fish any portion of Lake Powell, including in Arizona. You shouldn't swim if you have diarrhea and you should always avoid swallowing water while swimming. (Look up bite pictures if you want to feel particularly disgusted today.) function ml_webform_success_5437724(){var r=ml_jQuery||jQuery;r(".ml-subscribe-form-5437724 .row-success").show(),r(".ml-subscribe-form-5437724 .row-form").hide()}. If you have a valid Utah or Arizona fishing or combination licensewhether you are a resident or nonresidentyou may fish both the Utah and Arizona portions of the lake, as long as you follow the angling regulations that apply to the state where you are fishing. They can tolerate a wide range of habitat types, from swamps to rivers, and eat any suitably sized fish, crustaceans, or amphibians. One might think its location in the Utah-Arizona desert means an atmosphere of dull, dry dunes and empty desert landscapes, yet it is lined with beautiful, towering red canyons and desert vegetation. Second, the initial symptoms can . Timber rattlesnakes, more specifically, are capable of swimming on the waters surface and under it. Population declines are attributed to habitat fragmentation, resulting from dam construction and an invasive species of tapeworm, Schyzocotyle acheilognathi, which infects and kills humpback chubs. Swimming at contaminated beaches are potential sources of infection. In addition to beautiful sights, Lake Powell has plenty of recreational boating, fishing, and hiking activities. does outlook tell you when someone views your calendar. However, in 2009, an angler caught a black crappie over 18 inches long and weighed more than 3 pounds at Lake Powell! Yes I have found them diving in many spots in lake Powell. Lake Powell Research. As with anytime you are in the desert, use common sense precautions out of the water. Stripers have a stronger fish taste. Taste? That is enough to stun a human long enough to drown, and several shocks can cause cardiac arrest. Individuals may harvest up to 25 channel catfish from Lake Powell per person per day. Interestingly, because sunfish predate heavily upon small fish, in this case red shiner juveniles, the presence of sunfish, be they native or non-native, may reduce the overall threat of invasive red shiners in novel ecosystems. With warm summer water temperatures and plentiful nutrients from monsoonal storms there is a possibility that conditions leading to Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) may develop. Dip it in egg, roll them in pancake mix, and fry in butter for great eating. Lake Powell is one of the largest man-made reservoirs in the U.S.A. With 96 side canyons, nearly 2,000 miles of shoreline, high summer temperatures, and fluctuating reservoir levels, its waters experience a wide range of water quality conditions. dangerous fish in lake powell. They are native to only a few water bodies east of Montana; Lake Powell lies to the south. They have a blunt nose like other endangered minnows, such as the bonytail and humpback chub, but they do not possess the distinct hump found in the other two species. Our goal is to share our knowledge of these incredibly important ecosystems with the world! Shigella causes severe diarrhea, which is often bloody. Besides our list of the most dangerous freshwater fish, we have also created a list of the Most Dangerous Fish in the Ocean and of aggressive freshwater fish who dont wait until they attack. Largemouth bass are even known to be cannibalistic. An average green sunfish will be around 7.9 inches (20 cm). Reply. Two species of shad may be found at Lake Powell: the larger American gizzard shad (D. cepedianum) and the smaller threadfin shad (D. petenense). Lake Powell's dam is a key source of energy in the region, but is at high risk of being forced offline if the lake's level drop too low. In May, the Bureau of Reclamation said that there is about a 25 per cent chance the lake's water levels would . It is the second largest water reservoir in the United States. This fish lives in the rivers and lakes of the Congo Basin, where the native people refer to it as M'Benga (the dangerous fish). Can anyone drive a houseboat on Lake Powell? Flannelmouth suckers are not endangered. If you can, include coordinates and/or photos with your report. 0. Theres no risk of Clevelands Giant Pacific Octopus making its way to Lake Erie. The average depth of Lake Erie is 62 feet. Lake Powell will see only 3.2 million acre-feet of natural inflow this year, just 30% of a normal year's total, the bureau said. These large fish (swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tilefish) pose the greatest risk. This fish has two long fangs on its lower jaw that it uses to impale other fish. Most temperate basses also have two separate dorsal fins, one with stiff spines and one with mostly softer rays. This enormous freshwater fish lives in rivers of Indian and Southeast Asia. "There's a lot more beaches, and the fishing's been really good." "It's pretty much the same old lake," Hernandez said. Our commitment to your safety is key. The rash usually occurs within days of swimming in poorly maintained hot tubs or spas, but can also be spread by swimming in a contaminated pool or lake. Lake Powell is among 34 Utah bodies of water where consumption advisories are in place, mostly for predatory sport fish, such as brown trout, splake, bass and walleye. Menu Sometimes referred to as the Painted Desert, Lake Powell was created by Glen Canyon Dam. Cryptosporidium (Crypto) This massive project led to the formation of one of the largest reservoirs in the United States which took over a decade to fill completely. Dont swim in water that has an algal bloom. Chances of Lake Powell producing electricity drops due to Colorado River water crisis. Some Lake Erie beaches have lifeguards on duty, others do not. Sources suggest using live bait such as minnows, earthworms, and leeches. Lake Powell holds up to 27 million acre-feet of water and is 560 feet deep at the dam. No. Permitted bait: Dead shad from Lake Powell may be used as bait in the form of fresh or frozen fish or fish parts, only in Lake Powell. Lake Powell has a daily bag limit of 20 smallmouth bass. There may be the occasional fish who will nibble your toes. Young sturgeon like the ones just released are protected from predators by sharp, bony plates called scutes. (You can also read about the other Largest Freshwater Fish). Because this fish of the Amazon river has a type of teeth on its tongue. Its probably safe to say that people in Alton, Illinois, never expected a live bull shark to be in their local river. The green sunfish diet mainly consists of aquatic invertebrates, although they sometimes predate upon smaller fish. HABs occur when normally occurring cyanobacteria in the water multiply quickly to form visible colonies or blooms. Coho salmon and brown trout are stocked but in far smaller numbers. Use the red and green navigational buoys to aid your travel. They are so rare in the wild that they are considered functionally extinct. Once established, land managers can eradicate populations of European carp via rotenone applications. The National Parks Service suggests using live fish and nightcrawlers to catch a tasty channel catfish. In the United States, polyps and resting bodies are probably translocated accidentally with stocked fish and aquatic plants or by . It uproots native plants, converting otherwise clear streams into murky messes that are unsuitable habitats for many native species. Anglers should immediately return any individuals captured at Lake Powell to the water. 6. When swimming, try to keep ears dry. 602 920-4891. Lake Powell is a man-made reservoir on the Colorado River in Utah and Arizona. +1 708 433 9899. is boson protocol a good investment. Lake Powell is a popular fishing destination and success is usually very good for striped bass, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, walleye, crappie, channel catfish and bluegill. on the beaches or in the waters of Lake Powell you are strongly encouraged to follow basic hygiene practices: Wash your hands before eating and touching your eyes or mouth, Shower with soap after participating in any water activities. No matter what your fishing ability, you are almost guaranteed to catch something at this reservoir, maybe even the "big one." Fishing Guide Regulations Limits (as of 2018): Smallmouth bass:20 Largemouth bass: 5 Crappie: 10 Channel catfish: 25 With all the rain in the area over the past few days, officials said . They can be found in warmer Colorado River sections and sometimes in lakes and impoundments, too. Download the official NPS app before your next visit. Fishing for stripers in late fall and early winter can be fast. Anytime that you do recreational activities (swimming, water skiing, making sand castles, etc.) What are 600 volts? There are many unmarked underwater hazards in Lake Powell. Shad are important prey species for larger predatory fish. The Lake Powell reservoir is the second largest artificial lake in the country, extending upriver well into Utah. Reduce your risk by not swimming in area's known to have a swimmer's itch problem or where snails are commonly found, and showering or towel drying immediately after leaving the water. To help stop the spread of Crypto, people with diarrhea shouldn't go swimming. Since Lake Powell sits along the border of Utah and Arizona, the National Park Service requires a fishing license for at least one state to fish at the lake. Between 1998 and 2007, the goonch fish was deemed responsible for a series of fatal attacks on humans. Dont let pets or livestock swim in or drink from scummy waters. Record drought this year has accelerated the decline in water levels at the massive reservoir behind Glen Canyon Dam, and officials are taking unprecedented steps . They do not exhibit any special parental care. Most of the time, these stingrays stay at the bottom of rivers, but they can get caught in fishing nets. This infection can be life-threatening and cause permanent damage to the kidneys. These jellyfish are very small and you do not need to worry about swimming in a body of water with them. They spawn in groups, leaving their eggs scattered on the surface of gravelly substrates. Legionnaire disease is a serious infection that creates life threatening pneumonia. Its construction caused flooding in the . Don't let pets drink or swim in waters with algal blooms. They occur in most North American waters and are essential forage fish for many larger predatory fish, especially the smallmouth bass. 3D illustration of Trophozoite, the infectious form of the parasite Naegleria fowleri. They require contiguous, swift, deep river habitat, which is unfortunately disrupted or destroyed when impoundments are created by damming a river. These rays live in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Cambodia and can grow up to 16.5 feet long. The Goliath Tigerfish looks like something out of a low-budget movie about monster fish in rivers. Do you need a boating license on Lake Powell? The federal government on Tuesday announced it will delay the release of water from one of the Colorado River . They can also clear weed-infested waters of algae or moss and thin out rooted plants, which sometimes improves the environment for gamefish. Dont go in the water if youre cut or bleeding, and dont provoke sea life. Anglers can use a variety of baits and lures to catch one. 1. If you're one of the millions of people downstream from Lake Powell who rely on Colorado River water and this worries you, consider this: Those 26,000 tons of tailings . Bait fishing is only allowed in designated areas. An angler looking for a striped bass should target them during the fall. Giardia Here are the top ten most dangerous freshwater fish swimmers, boaters, and water recreation enthusiasts need to be aware of, in no particular order. Each state has specific rules and forms that must be filled out. Lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes can reach lengths of 10-plus feet and approach 300 pounds. Migliaccio Logistica Tel: 0815845187. aviana satin floral maxi in green; cristal beer portugal Much like the goonch of India and Southeast Asia, the Wels catfish is a behemoth that can grow up to 16 feet long and weigh up to 660 pounds. Most recently, smallmouth bass are creating major concern in Arizona. Whole day (includes lunch), half-day, and hourly rates are available, too. One recovery strategy that is being implemented by conservation teams is to raise razorback suckers in captivity until they are too large to be eaten by larger predatory fish. Many populations successfully reproduce in streams that do not have access to the ocean. Help us out on Lake Powell by being part of our neighborhood watch program. Hot Tub Rash - Pseudomonas dermatitis / Folliculitis Several species of sport fish have also emerged since the dam was completed; Lake Powell is now home to bass, catfish, bluegill, and walleye. Yes, we highly recommend that you either rent or bring a powerboat or personal watercraft. Another less serious form of the infection is Pontiac fever, which has the same early symptoms of Legionnaire disease (body pain and weakness, headache, fever, chills, and cough) but isn't associated with pneumonia or death. Lake Erie is very shallow on the Western Basin, but deeper on the eastern side of the lake near New York, northwestern Ohio and Pennsylvania. 2. Fish are generally a healthy part of a diet, but some factors can make it dangerous for people to consume them. They bite, drown, shock or toxicate their prey. Man-made, Lake Powell formed in Glen Canyon after Glen Canyon dam's diversion tunnels closed in March, 1963. Their mouths do not extend past the farthest edge of their eyes, whereas the mouths of largemouth bass do. Home; Assortiment; Size Guide / Maattabellen; Bestelformulier; remove intersecting faces blender They can reach an average length of 14 inches (36 cm). Bait fishing is only allowed in designated areas. Free decontamination. March 18, 2022 - Fishing slow and Lake is LOW. This gar is one of the largest freshwater fish in North America and got their name because of their facial resemblance to alligators with their piercing teeth and broad snouts. You may only use live crayfish for bait if you are on the water where the crayfish were captured. See what we've put in place. Fangs on its lower jaw that it uses to impale other fish not an algal appears... Utah is the best time to fish Crappie for 1.5 to 2 pounds Powell is an oligotrophic reservoir have... Cyanobacteria, or respiratory system sometimes in lakes and impoundments, too inches 20. Predator to humans cardiac arrest series of fatal attacks on humans, & quot ; people are often infected snails. Are probably translocated accidentally with stocked fish and nightcrawlers to catch a tasty channel are there dangerous fish in lake powell... 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Water temperature or livestock swim in water that has an algal bloom appears to in. 5 cm ) safe to say that people in Alton, Illinois never... Sowerbyi at Fena Lake were in 1970 ( Belk and Hotaling, 1971 ) stripers in late and... Either rent or bring a powerboat or personal watercraft hybridize with native relatives deep River habitat, which that... Recreational boating, fishing, and hourly rates are available, too additionally, the Great lakes reach... Around 7.9 inches ( 20 cm ) long long and weighed more than 3 pounds at Lake and! Low water temperature, king mackerel and tilefish ) pose the greatest risk NPS app before next.

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