new hire orientation icebreakers

If you want to make it even more fun, you can create riddle clues for each place. Meg Prater, Senior Content Marketing Manager of the HubSpot blog, says "When I first started including ice-breaker questions in our weekly team stand-up meetings, the experience was cringeworthy. Subscribe to the Marketing Blog below. - Employees will need to turn their camera off while searching for the item in their home, - Team members who have found an item on the list should turn their camera back on. SAFe Explained, How to Leverage the 30-60-90 Day Plan for New Hires, Top Priorities for Marketing Success During the 2023 Recession (Part Two). Then, instruct them to build the most sophisticated marshmallow and toothpick structure that they can. The leader of the group will instruct players to do an action beginning with the words, Simon says like, Simon says touch your knees, or, Simon says grab your elbow. Whoever doesnt do the actions proclaimed will be booted out of the game. Share either what costume youre wearing or something special about your ensemble (such as, Ive had this ugly sweater since 1999). Gather your group and dedicate some time forstudents to think of their two truths and a lie. Orientation tips for new employeesArrive on time. Or, better yet, early. Dress the part. Speaking of first impressions, make sure youve dressed appropriately. Be prepared. The first day on a new job is often overwhelming as youre deluged with an immense amount of information.Do your research. Get enough sleep. Bring a snack. Ask questions. Free and premium plans, Content management software. Pass out a piece of paper to each student. Break the students up into pairs and send them off with their list and these simple instructions: Find as many of thethings on the list as you can in the time allotted. Once everyone has their three clues, go around the group and have each student present their three clues for the group to guess where theyre from. Thatperson then says zop while pointing to a third person. When employees get creative and daring, this game can easily become a laugh riot, and it also allows hires and existing team members to volunteer the information about themselves that they think is worth sharing, which can help avoid awkwardness and give people good conversation starters while allowing their personalities the chance to really shine. Resource:,, How Does an Electric Food Dehydrator Work and How to Select the Right One. It also allows the whole team to get any exciting news or stressful issue off their chest. Share the presentation a week prior to the meeting so team members can add their childhood photos. Asking "How is everyone?" The game is simple, each team member is presented with two options in the form of the question: "Would you rather?" Whoever catches the ball next must repeat the sound made, then throw the ball to another person making their own unique sound. From those that can help managers determine new employees' strengths and personality quirks. For this icebreaker, all you have to do is answer the question about your favorite things. You can do this again with any geometric shape you wish. If you do your employee onboarding remotely you can use digital scavenger hunts too! Once thats complete, every player will then ask each other yes or no questions about the traits, recent news, or talents of their celebrity label. Sign up for our free cloud-based employee onboarding and engagement solution. Have everyone get into a circle and one person will start. The orientation leader will prepare questions on small pieces of paper and put one question inside a balloon. Arrange a group of chairs into a circle and once everyone sits down, ask them to take off their shoes (or some other placeholder to indicate their spot). Once the time has elapsed, ask each student to introduce themselves and share one thing they learned about someone else in the group. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. If you want to make it even more fun, you can create riddle clues for each place. All the remaining individuals find a new partner and continueuntil there is one winner. Fortunately, you can conduct a scavenger hunt for your team even if they've worked at your office for years. Toss the slips into a container and start picking them at random and reading them out loud. Even if your coworkers arent tuned into NYFW, theyre sure to recognize some of the most popular clothing brands. The orientation leader picks any year or a date before orientation and gives each student a chance to tell the group what they were doing at that time (the summer of 2007, when One Direction split-up, when Lemonade was released whatever you want). And lets face it, youve been trying to find the right opportunity to show someone you could lick your elbow for a while now. If your goal is simply to encourage team bonding, your quiz can be more fun like, "Match the lyrics with this 80's song." Your orientation should include a thorough tour of your facility, office, or workspace. With this icebreaker, youd ask everyone in your team to drop the most accurate emojis of their current mood or state of mind in a chat box (assuming theyre using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.) Heres an example from Oregon Goes to College. For example - "Would you rather speak in front of a crowd or stay behind the scenes?". Before a meeting, simply go around the room, and ask each person to share one accomplishment they had before they turned 18. This time ask the partners to find ten things they have in common. "The person sharing gets to decide whether or not to elaborate, and everyone listens without response. Pick one player to start the game, saying ha once. Bonus tip:This one can get pretty loud. Beware, some coworkers have impressively bad dad jokes saved up for these moments, so the competition will be fierce. Ask the group to try and figure out who is connected to each fact. While this one wont reveal a lot of information about your team members, its a fun activity that will lead to a lot of laughs. Have coworkers read through a list of Most likely To titles and assign them to one another. The idea of an icebreaker may make teams feel a little hesitant, due to how mind-numbing they could be in school. 9. Superlatives Tell the new employees to line up You'll ask your team to choose their favorite movie, song, T.V. In meetings, it can be hard to communicate or understand everyones perspective on a project unless everyone has the floor to say whats on their mind. ", She continued, "For example, some folks on our team dont watch a lot of T.V. To successfully loosen everyone up and get them in the right mindset for a meeting, you might consider putting a short Pop Quiz on the board. Your goal with your new hire orientation icebreakers is to make people feel welcome, not uncomfortable. Similar to the above, this simple game allows your small group to learn several facts about their team members at once. Participants will be pleasantly surprised by what they learn about each other. Two Truths and a Lie is a fun and engaging game, and more importantly, it can help your team learn facts about one another, so they can begin forming deeper bonds. [lede]New Theres nothing like some lighthearted banter to get everyone warmed up before a meeting. Each group will be assigned a word that they must spell out using their bodies (no hand signals or signs). - Each team member has to share two "roses," which means any positive event in their life right now, - The team members would then share one "thorn," which refers to an issue they are currently facing. This refers to something they look forward to in the future. Whichever group is able to get themselves into the correct order first wins that round. Theres plenty of destinations on your coworkers radar, get to know them a little better by getting to know where they want to go and why. When the group believes they have done so, instruct them to gently place the rope on the floor (maintaining its shape) and remove their blindfolds to check their work. If supplies are needed, let your team know ahead of time. 3. If youre on Zoom, post the question on the chat or share it via your screen. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Looking for a specific type of ice breaker? Each person finds theirspot on the map that represents where theyre from. Same rules of bingo apply here the first person to get bingo wins! As a group, they must form a perfect square. How to Organize a Team for Long-Term Remote Working, Top Tips for Hiring Remote Employees in Marketing, Online Team Building Activities Your Company Needs. Allow the teams time to deliberate and then ask them to present the item they chose and why. Example: Would you rather eat only cake forever or eat pasta forever?. The facilitator will read from a list of prompts (you can write your own for your group or you can use a pre-written one) and the designated tappers will lightly touch the shoulder of the people who the statement applies to. This continues until only a few students are left. This icebreaker is best suited for new hires who may feel more reserved as they virtually meet the team. Once every player on one team has placed themselves and described their role, the director says action and the scenery will come to life. Every player will have a chance to put their own spin on the budding story, and can even try to throw the next participant for a loop with a crazy situation. Next time you get together with your team, use one of these games instead of asking "How is everyone," and you're sure to hear some better, more insightful responses than "I'm good.". You can listen in on our trailer below or learn more about Will There Be Food? With a work friend, new hires can better assimilate to their team and company as a whole. - Have a facilitator come up with a list of objects that employees need to find in their homes. Jenga is considered a classic game for a reason, and because its easy to play and put away. Try our Starter Plan today! This article offers ideas for a few different icebreakers that you can do as part of your employee onboarding process. The team that can make the tallest structure for their marshmallow to perch on wins. Ensure you have the right team size for this activity. Which of the following is our correct logo? Meet-and-greets allow team members to talk to everyone on their team attending The orientation leader will divide the group into two teams, organized into twoparallel lines. Have everyone fill out an interest form for the event. Set a timer. Make sure you keep track of how many you get right! You want your team to get to know each other on a deeper level, but you dont necessarily think trust falls are the best way to make it happen. Ask the group to form a circle. Continue going around the group. Have the students take turns picking out a comic frame. If no one guesses correctly, popcorn your turn to someone else. Ten things in common. In this icebreaker, youll first want to ask everyone involved if theyre comfortable having their photos taken before the meeting begins (I know Id like a heads up in case I was wearing an old band shirt instead of my usual business casual outfits.). Perfect for larger groups and movie fanatics, this icebreaker is as crazy as you make it. The one left without a seat will have their turn to go. You can give them constraints by designating genres like horror, action, comedy, thriller, and more. Starting something new isnt always easy, so its important for orientation to be a fun, positive experience. This is like that but a little less embarrassing. Second, the Marshmallow Challenge encourages people to think quickly and offer alternative solutions when their initial idea fails. Planning new hire ice breakers can be simpler when smaller teams are involved. This game is simple and meant to energize your team. Each team gets their own scene to act out, so come prepared with a few options! Disqus. When asking Would You Rather questions, ask about various savory or sweet food staples and which they would prefer to eat forever. This ones a no-brainer. Were digging into some new employee orientation ideas and virtual ice breakers that wont make your team groan. Put your phone on silent. Ready? I listened to feedback and tried to incorporate it into better ice breakers. - What is the best thing that's happened to you in the last year? Incentivize new employees by handing out a gift card to the first person or team to complete the hunt! Your onboarding process should be effective, flexible, and personal - even if your team is remote. Once they are done, have them tape it to their back. Try not to blush too hard when they get to yours. Materials provided usually include barbecue sticks, string, masking tape, and one marshmallow. Fun and lighthearted, icebreakers are a great way to connect remote attendees while also creating a positive atmosphere from the start. What was the first concert you ever went to? Its hard to play these games without sharing a laugh, which is something we all could use in the workday. Split the group into two teams. Its time to welcome a new crop of bright-eyed, eager employees into your company. Each orientation leader will choose comic strips with the same number of frames Its almost like a Aside from being a fun team activity, this might be a great energizer for sales employees or others that regularly pitch, market, and sell products. It can also be helpful as a way of lightening the mood on teams that regularly deal with stressful projects or situations. Divide the group into two lines facing inthe same direction, so that one line is standing behind the other. When throwing the ball the individual will say their name and then the person they are throwing it to. The group leader then asks a few students to drop their part of the string; as this happens, the yarnwill begin to tangle. To play, you simply divide your team into groups of four and give each group 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and a marshmallow. Repeat that with each member of the circle. For more information, check out our, 70 Fun (Not Cheesy) Ice Breaker Games & Activities Your Team Will Enjoy in 2023, Pop up for FREE COMPANY CULTURE CODE TEMPLATE,, presented his Marshmallow Challenge at TED. They will then say their names and what they have in common (This is Alex, and my name is Franklin, and we both like dogs.). This one is pretty simple. Ask the group to draw an outline of their own hand on a piece of paper. For this icebreaker game, the leader will tape a label to each players back with a celebrity or household name. The skys the limit! Provide each student with a piece of paper and something to write with. See pricing, Marketing automation software. A fun icebreaker session puts everyone at ease, creates a positive and informal setting for banter to flow, encourages self-expression and discovery, and can help to break up any team cliques that may have formed up until now. Every player will write their name on a slip of paper backward, fold it, and place it into a bowl. A daily dose of irreverent and informative takes on business & tech news, Turn marketing strategies into step-by-step processes designed for success, Explore what it takes to be a creative business owner or side-hustler, Listen to the world's most downloaded B2B sales podcast, Get productivity tips and business hacks to design your dream career, Free ebooks, tools, and templates to help you grow, Learn the latest business trends from leading experts with HubSpot Academy, All of HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS, and operations software on one platform. Then, have the students put their hometowns and names on the map. Ask for their ideas and feedback, and youll identify activities that everybody enjoys. The person next to them repeats that word, while also adding another word that somehow links to the first (like big hippo). You can use a free icebreaker bingo generator and personalize each of the squares on a subject youre all discussing for the day, or for anything everyone can feel included. In this icebreaker, the leader holds an imaginary ball in their hand and throws it to other players, making whatever sound they think it would with that gesture. This simple icebreaker is fit for groups of people meeting each other for the first time. To play, simply go around the room and have each person provide an answer to a fun question. Everyonemust sing (or try to sing) for the song to count. 2006-2023 Wrike, Inc. All rights reserved. Have them wear a specific colour. We make it simple for companies of all sizes to drive continuous engagement, gather actionable insights, and curate exciting journeys. However, you should encourage them to find items that are more odd or unique. Instructions Go to Once everyone is finished, they must present their poems to the group. For this icebreaker, have everyone on your team go around and share a word or phrase that represents how they feel that day. Although introductions might be an ordinary and terribly uninteresting ice-breaker for new employee orientation, adding a twist can make the simple round-robin Have everyone form a circle to share what is on their mind, what is in their heart, and how their body feels. Sometimes it may include an introduction from the CEO or Tom Wujec, a business visualization expert, initially presented his Marshmallow Challenge at TED. What they have in common is that they are usually done during employee onboarding for new hires and during big team meetings to help set the tone. We recommend taking 30-60 minutes to complete this activity. This activity is effective because it forms bonds based on mutual interests and qualities, which research shows will lead to improved connectedness [1]. Once all the slips are collected, someone will draw one out of the bowl and read to the rest of the players whats on the slip. The objective is for everyone to learn each others names. However, there are several new employee orientation games that are even more fun with a big group. Keep the code for poker up as a PowerPoint slide to help the students who might not be as familiar with the rules of the game. This game encourages everyone to think about a certain topic in smaller groups ahead of time, which could increase participation during the meeting. But to achieve all this from your icebreaker session, you need to choose your idea carefully. Plus, icebreakers aren't just employees and employee engagement. There are several fun onboarding icebreakers to choose from but the best ones are the ones where new hires get to share information about themselves and employees and teams get to know each other better. Have everyone follow the same instructions to make a craft like simple origami, a drawing, or painting by a designated instructor in the Zoom call or YouTube tutorial. Once everyone has their statements written down, go around the room and have team members read their notes aloud. You can also adapt this icebreaker game to the digital age by having the participants text their facts to you and then having everyone vote using Poll Everywhere. This activity is designed to build and strengthen relationships between new hires and existing employees by helping them find things that they have in common with one another. The other group must figure out what they are spelling. After they guess, ask the employee who wrote the fact to identify themselves and give any further context if necessary. This is one you can easily do via email or your instant message platform. Before orientation begins, the orientation staff will create bingo cards that describe individuals and their experiences. The key to this version of an icebreaker is simply to have questions that are as interesting as possible. 5. Have every group come up with a plot for the next blockbuster. January 05, 2023. This shared initiative has nothing to do with their work projects. In the onboarding process it is crucial to help new hires smoothly integrate. This is repeated down the line. People integration. Its a good idea to buy some foam earplugs in bulk so that students with sensory processing difficulties can still participate without the sound becoming overwhelming. Why we love this new employee orientation icebreaker: Trivia is a super fun and interactive way to break the ice and allow your new hires to get to know each Once the one motion is completed, you must be frozen in that position until it is your turn again. Simply choose a brief personality quiz on your phone or computer (if you're stuck, here's a list), and pull it up on a projector or send the link to everyone. and they select which option suits them. Once each team is ready, they must get the hula hoop from one end of the human chain to the other without breaking it. Talent show 2. For this icebreaker, everyone will debate a silly topic and chime in with an equally silly answer and reasoning. You can split your students into small groups, allowing each student to share their sentence with their group mates. Once they all have completed this, they will present a summary of their findings to the group at large. Plus, they are usually funny and team members who can laugh with each other are stronger and will be much more resilient when things get hectic. Orientation is important because it lays a foundation for the new employees entire career with the department, explains Oregon State University. In this article we wanted to discuss how to get your employees engaged. If their statement applies to anyone else in the room, those students must get up, run into the middle of the circle, and find another persons place to sit in (the first student can now also run to find a seat). Share the photo via your team messaging app and pin it for posterity. Once theyve introduced their partner, open the floor up for 30 seconds-to-one-minute of questions. Have someone write down well-known names on sheets of paper and then hand them off one at a time to a team member. Share the theme with your team members, and watch as the pictures come rolling in. The team whoreturns to the rendezvous point the soonest (with the most correct finds) wins. Example: Would you rather have super speed or super strength?. In the Bad Joke Contest, youll have everyone recite the corniest joke they can muster and have everyone vote on who was the most cringeworthy. Then, haveeach student pull one sticky noteout of the bowl and complete the sentence that they find (i.e. Reach out to individual team members to find the most suitable instructor. Decide which youll do in advance, based upon the composition of the entering class. Proceed slide-by-slide and have team members either throw their guesses in the chat, or write their guesses privately on a notepad. Your team will learn a lot about each others musical tastes, and youll also create an awesome playlist you can all enjoy while you work. Newly hired employees should always arrive on time, or early, throughout the onboarding process. - What is an accomplishment you're proud of? For a solution that can ensure an intuitive onboarding process that will help smoothly integrate new employees into your organisation, check out Qualee. Here are a few ideas which you might find useful and effective for remote employees. Each team is challenged to build the tallest possible freestanding structure with the materials provided and featuring a marshmallow on top. Take a look at the graphic below to learn more about the best icebreakers for the workplace. Manually choose an instructor for the upcoming meeting, or pick a name randomly using a tool. - What do you want your colleagues to know about your work ethic? Example: Would you rather your special talent be opera singing or in playing the banjo?. It helps to create an environment of trust and support within the team, allowing the new hires to feel more connected with their colleagues. During orientation, a new employee can establish whether the company is family-friendly or individual-oriented. Whether its remote meetings, in-person events, or hybrid workspaces, Poll Everywhere gives your audience a voice and delivers authentic feedback at scale. If your organization is meeting to brainstorm ideas for specific projects, go ahead and incorporate the topic into their movie pitch prompts to get the creative juices flowing. An alternative to the partner introduction that will still serve to help If the word icebreaker alone made you cringe, youve probably experienced your fair share of get-to-know-you activities that were awkward at best. Examples of possible square options include: - Find somebody with the same number of siblings as you, - Find somebody who plays an interesting instrument, - Find somebody who was born in another country, - Find somebody who was born in the same month as you. A way to allow coworkers to create that community is to introduce icebreakers. Starting a new job is nerve-racking, and those early days include a ton of paperwork and administrative tasks. If this is the case, have everyone take a breather and stretch before the next big meeting begins. This icebreaker is played like a competition between multiple orientation groups. Choose when a round ends (we recommend giving everyone 30 to 60 seconds). This continues until everyone has had a turn. What icebreakers would you add? Maybe its by height or shoe size, or perhaps its by birth month, or number of years with your company. In the given time, instruct each team or pair to find and list ten things they have in common. If anyone shows their teeth, they are out. Once everyone has their song in mind, have someone compile either a Youtube or Spotify playlist of everyones choices, and share the link with everyone in the group afterward. Would you rather is another classic icebreaker game that gives employees a chance to learn more about each other in terms of their preferences. Each student will go to one side of the room based on their preference. Whoever does not notice that they have been pointed to or does not respond quickly enough is out. Weve got 100 ideas for you here! The second person repeats the first persons name and hobby and then their own. These suggestions will be sure to make your employees love their jobs. Have everyone chime in one-by-one with their answer. The Rose, Thorn and Bud game encourages employees to speak up and offer a new perspective. Once everyone is done making their airplanes, have everyone fly their planes across the room. The host of the game can choose from topics as broad as foods and countries or as weird as Things Granny would say.. Onboarding, induction, orientation and training may seem like similar processes; however, its important that you know the difference. Each student will introduce themselves by stating their name and a word within the theme that starts with the same letter of their name (i.e. - What is something no one here knows about you? You might think that having a large group will make it tougher for your team to really get to know each other. You or your teammate will share an interest, such as a TV show or hobby. A scavenger hunt is also an exceptional opportunity for cross-department interaction. The purpose of the exercise is to give people a chance to release and/or reveal emotional setbacks, obstacles, wins, highlights, or anything else that might be impacting how they show up to work that day. Teams feel a little hesitant, due to how mind-numbing they could be school! Idea of an icebreaker may make teams feel a little hesitant, to. A facilitator come up with a list of objects that employees need to choose their movie. Get to yours our team dont watch a lot of T.V show or hobby better assimilate to their.! One side of the game time, which could increase participation during meeting. Bingo cards that describe individuals and their experiences the next blockbuster goal with your new hire ice.. 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new hire orientation icebreakers

new hire orientation icebreakers