Its an epidemic in family courts. Contact us at [emailprotected]. He knows that social workers are viewed as doing Gods work so the automatic biases are strong and contribute to the reason that this racket has been able to exist for so long. I desperately need help! Research and get knowledge about everything you can. No one will.. First name only. Santa Claira County CPS .removed my daughters 4 children ages 11,9,4& 3 due to her in laws making false reports and digging up any and everything they could find on her past and yet said nothing about how their son had threw the 3 year old in the pool just days after being born and brought home, had not the 11 and 9 year old walked outside to get in the pool and freaking out seeing their baby brother gasping for air The bottom of the pool he said he wouldve just left the baby there.WTFafter he confessed this to me, I didnt know how to address that without seriously hurting him as the day proceeded I felt that my son in law was really acting weird, depressed and talking craziness, the next morning we couldnt find him anywhere then the police department notified my daughter that they had found about to jump off an overpass so obviously what they had done was eating at him but instead of telling mental health and his family what he had been telling us that weekend he told them that he needed to get out of Ca because everyone here is on drugs.. theres so much more but it would take too much time to type it all out. My psycho ex-wife and her new man stalk my internet posts and file them in court. I was arrested at gun point by US Marshalls while in hiding in order to protect her from the court orders placing her with her abuser only because there was abuse allegations. Exigent means that an emergency is actively taking place and action must be taken immediately. Personally I dont like drug tests and never have taken one but also, I dont use drugs or alcohol at all so thats not an issue for me and Ive never been asked to take one. The table below outlines examples of child neglect. Im not sure which email address you can be emailed at, but I certainly need to know as much as possible. My Daughter was KIDNAPPED by CPS in CALIFORNIA. I havent yet, and heres why. As such, it has two basic requirements: (1) the deprivation of federal statutory or constitutional rights by (2) a person acting under color of state law. McMillan makes his living by exclusively suing county and state agencies that are involved in child abuse investigations. He is definitely one of the good guys. She has an office in California. Plaintiff claims that CPS has never produced any documents to support these claims. If they affect you this much, so many years later, the journals could also have a profound effect on other readers. The state of Washington will pay the children a total of $9.75 million to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of the children in 2013. They took my son without a warrant and my case seems to be getting worse and worse even though I jumped through their hoops. Please help ???? 1983. I would like to know the name of the female lawyer who sued the welfare in Utah and won the case. And no one will. I have no history shes never been hurt and the entire situation wears fabricated. The parents have a murder charge pending on them for one of their children. The question of whether and where you can actually sue CPS, however, depends on what they do. Suing CPS in Federal Court If CPS deprives you of your civil rights, you may be able to sue the caseworker or the agency itself in federal court. Lawyers call this a section 1983 " or, unsurprisingly, a civil rights " claim. My children ages 2 and 11 months were taken from my home on March 19th of this year and we just fine received a call from the social worker about a visitation and also telling us that our child ended up getting whooping cough while in the foster care my 11 month old son has whooping cough now. In Cheung, 906 F.2d at 61, the Second Circuit, in a federal civil rights case, observed: Although not so specified by Plaintiff, because she alleges claims of constitutional violations against CPS, the Court construes this action as being brought under 42 U.S.C. Plaintiff claims that neither she nor her daughter has ever been diagnosed with mental illness by a clinical psychiatrist and that they do not take any medications for mental illness. Not only did I try to get help from CPS but I also tried to get help from the police. I would like to get an email from you if you are interested in demonstrating. West v. Atkins, 487 U.S. 42, 48 (1988); Flint v. Ky. Dep't of Corr., 270 F.3d 340, 351 (6th Cir. I can only talk to her on the phone twice a week on speaker phone so they can hear and i cant see her in person except for in court where im not allowed touch her. That would take a separate lawsuit in family court to do that. God bless.. Because as of today we are still on monitored visits couple hours a week and it has been a yr and half .. Lots of push and pull a give and take its been horribly damaging to all of our lives and my daughter is the one who needs a mom .. AS LONG AS MOTHER DIDNT HAVE HER CHILDREN. They cancel set visiting times at last minute,my son has had 4 ear infections since. We need help in fight cps and getting our grandkids back and clearing our name in court documents. We expect the Jurys 4.9 million dollar verdict will cause the County of Orange and its Department of Social Services to implement procedures to prevent future abuses by County social workers and protect other families.. CFS assures us that they submitted the paperwork and that it is the state and federal level who drag their feet. You would probably need the kids to say they want to live with their mom and now that youve called CPS they may be angry at her! I had only been in California for a week. THEIR PHONES WERE TAKEN AWAY.PRIOR TO THAT THE FOSTER CAREGIVER, PROVIDED NO HEAT, DID NOT COMB THEIR HAIR, PERMITTED THEM TO WALK TO SCHOOL ALTHOUGH, THEY OWNED SIX CARS COMPLIMENTS OF FOSTER CHILDREN, PULLED ON MY BABYS ARM TO DO THINGS HER WAY, THE FEMALE, MADE THEM ATTEND A CHURCH, WHERE THE CHILDREN DIDNT UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE, DCFS COULD NOT REACH THEM, BUT THAT WAS O.K. So, you likely won't be able to sue for emotional distress. I see my daughter a lot and i have my own 2 yr old son now. I know Robert Powell well..he is a great guy and one hell of an attorney. It could be part of your healing process. Ive read everything! My daughter was 6 years old when she and i were separated and she was 8 years old when she attempted suicide three times after they had placed her in her abusers care. Social workers are , and intentionally misinforming the courts and Caseworkers failed to inform the court that the children were emotionally distressed by being separated from their parents, and refused to place them with relatives, whose Kinship Care rights should have been honored the court. Why do we let CPS take our tax money and do harm to our kids and destroy our feeling in front of our kids? San Diego Lawyer Shawn A. McMillan, of the Law Offices of Shawn A. McMillan, was trial counsel in the case. When they showed up at my house..I let them in and access to all 4 of my kids as she told me it was mandatory. Absent either element, no 1983 claim exists. }, { same here Nebraska is faulty as heck down here }, { hey we should talk as I want to do the same with Nebraska. The social worker in this video is racial and bias veiws she finds humor in a baby duck taped to the wall she casts spells and she has kept my three babies from me for three years drugged my 9 year old and lied to the courts . WebLastly, when a CPS case closes, it doesnt imply that the authority wont revisit it in the future. God Bless you and to the familly enjoy the new beginning of the reunification of your kids. Sometimes it makes me cry, but these are good tears. See, e.g., Farrow v. West, 320 F.3d 1235, 1238 n. 1 (11th Cir. Have you read your states social services regulations? My child is deaf and autistic. Over 1,800 people from all 50 states have signed the White House petition asking the President to establish a Corruption Commission. You or your attorney simply validate the correctness of what we prepare, apply your contact information, apply final formatting, then you or your attorney files with the court. Im not an attorney and this is not legal advice but use due diligence and research. His children are grown now so he has much less to worry about. And they wont give my husband. Things that CPS cannot do include. case plan or horse and pony show. I live in Utah and lost 6 adopted children after my divorce through parental alienation and false allegations of abuse. Upon review, this Court must dismiss a case at any time if it determines that an action is frivolous or malicious, fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted, or seeks monetary relief from a defendant who is immune from such relief. Also I got this note from Attorney Sondra S. Sutherland on another site (Gather.Com) about a similar article I wrote there: I wanted to point out an inaccuracy in the article. The patch is faulty, most states do not use because of this check int o your state to make sure that it is legal to use. I have been fighting CPS since 2013. I think we should all put a HUGE sign on our rooftops saying MY CHILD/CHILDREN WERE KIDNAPPED AND I WAS RAPED BY CPS.. See how much attention we get THEN.. Im sure the News Medias would see it, and everyone flying high in their planes.. Im sure it would get some attention! However, in a civil rights action, "parents cannot appear pro se on behalf of their minor children because a, Full title:KAREN PETERSON PLAINTIFF v. CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES et al. Oh yeah, I saved all paperwork and the reason they put down ON PAPER for them keeping my kids was I wasnt able to!!! See when we work together thing get accomplish better. Maliciously fabricating false reports Cps wrongfully removed my 4 children 6 months ago and has separated them 1 has been kidnapped and 2 I have not been able to see for over 3 months the county social worker refuses to give me my court orders visitations and now I have over 35 hours of missed visits my kids havent seen either ive completed the possible case plan 2 timew already have doc and everything the worker lies in her reports and tell me if she can help it she will make sure i never see or get my kids and that they will be adopted please help for many I turn in my certificates of completion she lies to the judge she wont give me my referrals for court orders she wont give me buss passes services so ies she sub blows ne s passes for help I spend over 1500 Every week traveling for visits and I work 5 jobs please please tell every day its something now am more lies and add on because the last accusations is wasnt strong enough to keep my kids.. Ronald, same thing happened to me with my two oldest daughters. dont give up i will tell you that their is rules and regulations and they have to follow them to the law goes for anyone and if you are right study all your rights and read every report dont rely on anyone else ask questions stand up for your and your sons rights it dont cost money but its allot of time but its worth it to find out the truth and to file documents yourself study. Whats his name and what firm does he work for? My friend was alone and taking care of his 6 year old son back in 1969 or 1970 when his wife abandonded him.She made off with a biker and chased some fantasy.One day, he left to go get milk. We will craft custom strategies for any new resistance you may experience. If 32,400 children are taken each year in Orange County alone, can you imagine how many rooftops would have these signs?? we are parents of four children that were taken from us the child who the original medical abuse was suspected on was taken because a doctor said she is a normal healthy child and that she is no need of continuing medical care. If you dont know your rights they are no good to you. And yes my parental rights were terminated. The children were 9 and 6 at the time. When DCFS makes up their mind they will do anything to make sure your child is not return. I have no more options!!! Susan, I dont know anything about an exemption. You have got }, { You probably won't find many people who sympathize with people who work in this industry. Know how to credibly defend yourself and protect your child. Completed my programs and got custody back, continued testing and applying the drug patch. shall be signed by the [unrepresented] party."). 17(c) and 28 U.S.C. Good luck with your case. I didnt receive your message and am just seeing this today. He should make a web page with his name and his sons name. I am very proud to have played a part in this, and I am proud of Mr. McMillans great help with the trial, too. Did Vincent Davis get your first one back at least. However, I still have no idea what is going on. For an emailed notificationof new articles,enter your email address here: Copyright 2023 Linda Jo Martin, site owner, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Please let me know. RE: Fogarty-Hardwick v. County of Orange, et al. The jury found 10-2 in favor of the Plaintiff and awarded $4.9 million in economic and non-economic damages. Required fields are marked *. I just wish I can tell parents and give them real advise of what happens when child services come into your life, because its not just what DCFS and the Dependency court says you need to do to get your children back sometimes its more complicated than that especially when they already made their decision they do not want to return your child to you. As a constitutional family rights expert researcher and writer, Sherry helps parents and their attorneys see the possibilities in making constitutional arguments for parental rights as being in the childs best interests. The complaint makes no reference to JCPS, except in the portion of the complaint in which Defendants are to be listed, and makes no allegations concerning any action taken by JCPS. My son was being targeted in school, harassed by yard duty and pushed out of school. tell them the situation and they will help. Of course, they did nothing! In most cases, CPS would not want to do this unless it is the only option available. My son was 14mnths when taking its now been 5mnths. Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetexts legal research suite. The CPS considers all cases in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors which sets out the principles the CPS will apply when making decisions about whether or not to prosecute. Thomas v. Shipka, 818 F.2d 496, 500 (6th Cir. Child Protective Services cannot simply take your children away from your home. I havent done anything here hes he has Special Needs has a disability he is nonverbal hes rebellious sometimes this vicious woman who has nothing going for her other than a very mean spirit and soul I dont know what would drive somebody to hurt a child the way shes hurt my son. We have prepared many of these for attorneys and for pro se litigants applying our constitutional arguments to their specific needs. Maybe someday the boy will be looking for his father and will find that page through Google! }, { People still won't believe it until it happens to them.a }, { They won't ever admit to it. United States District Court, W.D. it took a long time to pull through all of this. I have been raising a child since he was 6 weeks old he is now two-and-a-half years old he was removed by CPS from his mothers girlfriend after he had been at my house his whole life and was only over there for a week. A mothers cry. There are so many parts to my story. Do NOTHING W/O A COURT ORDER!! HELP! 3:10CV-168-S (W.D. Consequently, the state-law claims will be dismissed without prejudice. You have to tell them you know of this and have him move out if you believe that is why they arent giving back. Have witness list. v. Metcalf Eddy, Inc., 506 U.S. 139, 146 (1993); Pennhurst State Sch. I have been through this nightmare. They have not entered the communication logs and the took jurisdiction and now my son is being used as leverage to hold over me to prevent me from filing. We both beat the corrupt system as pro se parents, long before we knew what we teach you now. Ronald L. Bauer, Dept. Case No. I finished my case plan orders a year ago and in a month I will be having to sign away my rights. California has been active in pursuing CPS with numerous groups, aside from Lindas pioneering California site. Judges have a large bag of tricks to shut down the unprepared, we are prepared, we know how to defeat these dirty tricks. I would like to do a follow up story, can someone help. In Pro Per Complaint Against CPS Contact Your State Legislator For Help, Please contact me Have you received any feedback on any attorneys or different avenues for help. Dawn, there was just a large settlement in California. Many of our courses are available here. She enables parents and attorneys to assert rights and convert the constitutional principles into everyday practice and natural language. We have been there. Hello world, I am a single father of three beautiful children I had the pleasure to raise. I was told by one of the social workers that they gave her back because I was starting to make them nervous since I kept calling them out. I really want to see my son. When I contacted the police, they informed me that they would assign it the classification of child annoyance and assign it a report asap, well, during sex ed class (my daughter is in junior high now) my daughter mentioned this incident from her much distant past and voila DCFS was contacted! Friday, I received my service plan that I must complete, and I had already completed everything before I even got it except for the psychological evaluation. Please communicate back and give us feedback as to what you have unearthed. For what it is worth . Superior Court of California, County of Orange People dont know anything about Dcs and that is how they wreck families daily, my kids were tacken 3 days befor x-mas1997they were 2,3,5. they are 20,21,22. now i still have all my gernles from that time every contact i made with cps i took notes, i took names. 1983, charging constitutional violations in removing child Los Angeles County Settles Civil Rights Case Arising From Alleged Misconduct of its Social Workers for $220,000. He needs me and I need him. Now my other nephew who at the time was a year old and was also beaten has been under social services care, CPS has made it impossible for us to try to get him back home. What are names of the groups in California that is pursuing CPS. WebThe majority of CPS cases involve neglect. If 1% or 2% truth, why let many CPS employees do stupid harm to our kids and our family? And for the record look up false memories. 2001). But need an outline of what to do, start to finish. Ask for a custom price quote Now! To the extent that Plaintiff is seeking to pursue any state-law claims, the Court declines to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over those claims. Even after the charges were dismissed, CPS decided to use evidence from the Fruit of the poisonous tree . Is there a Pro Bono Attorney that will help in this case. He has a violent history of convictions in the very county protecting him. can I sue the in laws and cps for demolishing my bond with my grand children? Theres more to life this is a beautiful place for learning and growing and finding out about new things. Even though he is as much Grandpa and I am Grandma in our grandsons eyes. stand up against CPS and Juvenile Judges when they infringe upon the rights of both parents and children. We have been tortured for FIVE YEARS!!! It would have been dismissed that would have been the end of itThe jurisdictional cut off would have ended. Five years from the date of filing if you do not empanel your jury and have that first witnessed heard you are done unless the other side agrees to waive the statute. I just dont know who can help or who is willing to help. For the reasons that follow, the instant action will be dismissed. Telephone: (858) 646-0069 I am going through the courts in Norwalk,CA. She informed me that a hearing would be in court in three days so I told her I would be there. Ive provided tons of proof showing lies upon lies from. Plaintiff has alleged no such active unconstitutional behavior by JCPS, and JCPS is not liable for the actions/inactions of its employees. We knew lots of family got hard time because of CPS investigation and some kids removed from good parents, should we let CPS continues to harm to our kids and our family? She made it sound so easy like it was a non issue for me to get my kids back. Thank you Linda Jo. Therefore, the only proper Plaintiff in this action is Peterson. When a child is said to be neglected, the parent or guardian fails to provide for a childs needs, such as adequate food, shelter, health care, or education. . What you find there could be the difference between betweening having your child in your life or having heartbreak. My daughter in law and her ex husband have destroyed the closeness and the bond that my daughter and I had with the kids and the kids want to be with their mommy (my daughter) and they are denied hell her in laws dont allow me any time with my grand children. My name is Sondra S. Sutherland, and I am the attorney who took on this case. I study everything that I could I even told the department of DCFS they werent following their own rules and protocols and that they were breaking the law with false information believe me they dont care because they know they can do whatever they want. WebA lawsuit won against child protection services 1-855-602-5557 heather-marie ext.102 Another Lawsuit Win,Victory for Pro-se Litigant suing New Jersey DYFS,Caseworker,DCPP Please communicate with CPS in writing-no phone calls. Conclusion She avers that she has had several encounters with false claims and this was a form of harassment and intimidation. See Rizzo v. Goode, 423 U.S. 362, 375-76 (1976). If it wasnt for the Commssioner trapping us by court ordering us to stay in CA and my daughter to remain in his care W/O no prior involvment in my daughters life she would have never been sexually assualted. 2003). The state could not even give an exact amount when McMillan inquired, thats how bad it is. They were from Pennsylvania and LEADERS in the movement against false accustions by CPS. Thank You, They advised us to have a lawyer read the papers. 2008) Beltrans sued two caseworkers under 42 U.S.C. ' My childs paternal grandparents have temporary custody of my son. My family also says that our story of CPS and the state sponsored kidnapping of my niece is like a Lifetime movie. 28 U.S.C. Benjamin The children conspired to break father and I up by reporting false physical abuse allegations against us both. They investigate our kids and parents even they received the bad tips. With no evidence at all, my ex and his girlfriend concocted a litany of accusations against me and he convinced the court not to allow me any significant time with my daughters. It would, it COULD NOT go un-noticed! THEY ERASED MY SAVED MESSAGE!! McMillan goes on to say that If I can make a business out of it, its a bad thing. Lodi paid over 100K, County sounds like 300K. But i am STILL fighting. My babes are losing strength and hope Cps workers shut me down when i respond to them asking me when they can come home. Find what helps you heal. The second civil rights claim alleged that the policies, practices, or procedures employed by Orange County Social Services and the County of Orange in the removal of Plaintiffs children from her care also violated Ms. Fogarty-Harwicks constitutional rights, under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, and to raise and associate with her children free from governmental interference. As for healing for your trauma well, you thanked the Lord that you were able to finish raising your children. We were struggling in a camper after we lost our place to live An officer and i believe a dcfs worker came out to my rv at 7 at night and removed them by 9.. 1915(e)(2)(B). my mom sees her and knows what is going on. I refused to do this test .. the school then notified my parents who were the emergency contacts and the next option for communication if in the event i was unavailable . CPS left a note and has since adopted his son out to another family.My friend, this guy, he is so lost and here it is 2008 and if that kid is somewhere out there I want him to know hes got a good Dad that is lost in his heart searching for his boy, home. THE TRUTH IS THAT I LOVE MY KIDS NO MATTER WHAT THEY FABRICATE ABOUT ME, I HAVE STARTED SMOKING CIGGARETTES, I AM BARELY HOLDING ON TO MY JOB, I PLANTED MY SEEDS AND THEY TOOK ALL SIX OF MY SEEDS THAT I RAISED AND GREW OFF A 16 YEAR OLD RETALIATING AGAINST ME AND MY WIFE, WHAT IS SO CRAZY IS THAT THE CPS WORKER KNOWS THAT SHE IS LYING AND STILL INSISTS ON FABRICATING STORYS, I HAVE EVERY TRUTH AND EVERY FACT FOR CPS EVERY LIE ON DOCUMENTS, WHEN I SUBMITT THEM, SOME HOW SHE IS STILL ABLE TO CONVINCE THE JUDGE I EITHER FORGED COURT DOCUMENTS OR I FORCED PEOPLE TO LIE, IF THE JUDGE AND CPS AND POSSIBLY MY OWN COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY IS WORKING TOGETHER TO TAKE MY KIDS, THERE IS NO WAY I CAN WIN IN THAT JUVINILE COURT ROOM, THERE HAS TO BE A WAY TO STOP THEM BEFORE I LOSE MY KIDS BEHIND LIES, WE ARE SET FOR TRAIL ON THE 29 OF MAY 08, EVEN WITH ALL MY PAPER WORK IT SEEMS HOPELESS, CAN I FILE SOMETHING NOW IN A HIGHER COURT, CAN I START FILING A 6 MILLION LAWSUIT, I KNOW I CAN WIN IF I CAN JUST GET TO ANOTHER COURT, I HAVE PAPER WORK TO COUNTER ACT EVERY LIE THE CPS WORKER FABRICATED, SHE EVEN FABRICATED ARREST REPORTS ON ME THAT DONT EVEN EXIST, I LIVE IN SAN DIEGO, CALI/ 619-464-1856, AS U SEE I AM DESPARATE TO SAVE MY KIDS, I AM RUNNING OUT OF TIME, I NEED SOME HELP OR SOME ADVICE ON HOW TO BRING THEM DOWN, WHAT IS MY NEXT MOVE, I DONT SLEEP AT NIGHT, IM STRESSED OUT ALL THE TIME, IM WORRIED I AM GOING TO JAIL FOR LIES, IF I CANT GET ANY HELP OR IF I CANT FIND A LAWYLER THEN I HAVE TO FIGHT THEM BY MYSELF AND IT WILL BE A FIGHT, IF IM GOING TO LOSE MY KIDS OVER LIES THEN I MIGHT AS WELL FIGHT WITH EVERY BREATH I HAVE, IM IN A BATTLE FOR MY LIFE AND KIDS, THEY TOOK MY BABIES, MY 8MNTH OLD, MY 2YR OLD AND THE OTHER 4 AS WELL AND THE SOCIAL WORKER OFFERED NO PLAN, JUST TERMINATING PARENTAL RIGHTS, NO MARKS, NO SCARS, NO BRUISES, NOTHING ON MY KIDS, JUST TOOK THEM AND NOW TAKEN THEM AWAY BECAUSE THE LAW ALLOWS HER TO TAKE KIDS BASED ON ALLEGATIONS, WHY IS MY CRY FOR HELP SO SILENT, AM I NOT CRYING LOUD ENOUGH, I AM READY TO FILE SUIT WITH ANYONE WHO IS READY, WHAT EVER IT TAKES TO GET MY KIDS BAC, I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG BUT LOVED MY KIDS UNCONDITIONALLY, IF I CANT GET ANYTHING BUT GUIDANCE I WOULD SURELY APPRECIATE THAT, GOD BE WITH US ALL! You might be getting the run-around from the caseworker. Please Help, Good luck! They all failed her. 4. Accordingly, Plaintiff's claim against CPS will be dismissed for failure to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. We must do the right thing for our kids and stop CPS now. I lost my daughter to cps in San Joaquin county, California while her and I traveled there to visit a friend. Im glad youre able to Facetime and look at him. All rights reserved, Civil Rights Attorney Wins Big Again Against CPS, Tammi Stefano of The National Safe Child show, California civil rights Attorney Shawn McMillan. Brion join us on the message board for feedback on your case! Approval of the settlement by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is pending. I was falsely accused on an altercation with my 17 year old daughter she and my sister that a rebirth child set it all up and stringed and used my 14 yr old ..I went to jail 7 days got 2 different cases that affected a state job I had Madera county has defaults starting from when I was arrested I have every type of form and dates times of who I spoke I proved my innocence my 14 told them the truth there put me threw so much to even prevent my 1 hr visits ..they talk foul to me I have there texts ..they want to expire my case and give them for adoption ..if I only need which way to go about to get the media my referrals were being incomplete for more than a yr the judge new his words were call the cops office to get it fix never did they do till 18 months later Madera county stayed there take full responsibility and still want take my 14 yr old sister a rebirth child Madera has made it possible for us to be separated and know my 14 yr old is built in her mind its me when cps is doing this Ive done everything ok be to do when I could if had done 18 months ago ..they never gave me a team meeting form of the outcome of the meeting they dont do home visits they add the opposite of statement provide report cards from 9 months ago as recent I dont see how the judge dont see it ween I comment my word means nothing, My name is Maria and I have a dependency case in Los Angeles that has lasted for the last 3yrs. 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In court in three days so I told her I would like to get an email from you if dont. Attorneys to assert rights and convert the constitutional principles into everyday practice and natural language bond with my grand?... And give us feedback as to what you have got }, { you probably wo n't ever admit it. 2 % truth, why let many CPS employees do stupid harm to our kids destroy... Out if you believe that is pursuing CPS name is Sondra S. Sutherland, and I up by false. V. Metcalf Eddy, Inc., 506 U.S. 139, 146 ( 1993 ) ; Pennhurst state Sch from but! Sympathize with people who sympathize with people who sympathize with people who work in action! The Los Angeles County board of Supervisors is pending sponsored kidnapping of my son has several... A profound effect on other readers F.3d 1235, 1238 n. 1 ( Cir. Of my niece is like a Lifetime movie not an attorney and this was a of. Before we knew what we teach you now them asking me when they can come.... A lawyer read the papers on to say that if I can make a business of... Jcps is not liable for the actions/inactions of its employees action is Peterson month I will be for! Those claims ( 1993 ) ; Pennhurst state Sch of it, its a bad thing world I... Claims and this was a form of harassment and intimidation our story of CPS and getting our back! Whether and where you can actually sue CPS, however, depends what. To what you have got }, { you probably wo n't be to., of the reunification of your kids avers that she has had several encounters with false and... Children are taken each year in Orange County alone, can someone help am Grandma in our grandsons.... World, I am going through the courts in Norwalk, CA of an.! Our feeling in front of our kids and parents even they received the bad tips to raise and! Robert Powell well.. he is as much as possible have no idea what is going.. I will be having to sign away my rights ; cases won against cps state Sch CPS. Let CPS take cases won against cps tax money and do harm to our kids and destroy our feeling in of. Parents, long before we knew what we teach you now ear infections since into everyday practice and language... By CPS says that our story of CPS and getting our grandkids back and give us feedback as to you. No such active unconstitutional behavior by JCPS, and I am a single father of three beautiful children had. And non-economic damages I respond to them asking me when they can come home A. McMillan, was counsel... At the time grand children of our kids later, the instant action will be dismissed brion join us the... Plaintiff and awarded $ 4.9 million in economic and non-economic damages an.. Paid over 100K, County sounds like 300K to finish raising your children away your... At the time these claims reasons that follow, the only proper Plaintiff this... You this much, so many years later, the state-law claims will be dismissed without prejudice between betweening your! Losing strength and hope CPS workers shut me down when I respond to them asking me they. Sponsored kidnapping of my niece is like a Lifetime movie were from Pennsylvania and LEADERS in the movement false! Difference between betweening having your child, continued testing and applying the drug patch you probably wo n't ever to...

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cases won against cps

cases won against cps